Chapter 51

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I walk into the convince store while Adam fills up the tank with gas. He has a meeting with an important person in Hollywood. From where he lives it's a 2 hour drive. It's not too long but it's not short either. Obviously we had to fill up on gas to get there. I figured I would go inside to buy a few snacks and drinks for the ride. I buy the items then head to back out to the car. Adam finishes as I walk out so we get in the car at the same time.

"What did ya get?" He asks me as he starts the ignition.

"A few backs of crackers and just for you... A Lunchable."

Adam's eyes light up when I show him the Lunchable. "I haven't had one of these since I was a little kid." He tears off the top and makes a sandwich before we even start moving.

"Adam, we just ate breakfast. Seriously we ate 10 minutes ago." I tell him.

"A mans gotta eat," he laughs, stuffing the food in his mouth.

I just smile and shake my head. "Dorkbert," I say under my breath.

"Hey I heard that!"

"Oh really?! What did I say?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I don't know but I know it had Bert in the end so I know it was about me." He makes a little pouty face that makes me laugh.

"I called you a dorkbert."

"Oh... Okay." He shrugs his shoulders and we start for San Francisco.


We stretch out our legs and walk up to the large building. Adam takes a deep breath and looks worried. He wouldn't tell me anything about the meeting except for the fact that it was important.

"Hey you'll be okay," I tell him as I put a hand on his shoulder.

Adam looks at me and just smiles. "You can come with me if you want but you'll have to wait outside of the office."

"I'll keep you company until you go in." I hand him his suit jacket and he puts it on.

"I was hoping you would say that." Adam leans forward and plants a kiss on my forehead, holding his hand to my cheek.

"Well I guess it's a good thing I wore this dress." I smile up at him.

"I told you it would be useful. And don't worry, you look gorgeous." He smiles and steps back, taking my hand and leading me towards the building.

Before we left Adam convinced me to wear a dress. I absolutely despise dresses. It just feels like I has nothing on and I can't get used to that feeling. The last time I wore a dress was at a wedding, 3 years ago. I didn't even wear one at graduation because we had gowns that we had to wear. But today I made an exception just because Adam pleaded and begged.

So now, I'm walking hand in hand with this handsome man towards an office building. We walk inside and head towards the elevator. I'm glad that I'm with Adam because if I wasn't I would have no idea where to go. We get in the elevator and go all the way up to the top floor.

Instantly I start thinking about how in movies, the important people always seem to be at the top of the building.

I wonder what this important meeting is all about...

The elevator stops and Adam's hand drops from mine. We walk out and head towards the door at the end of the desks. People turn around from their work areas and watch us go by. Adam heads to a large, wood desk with a secretary sitting behind it.

The secretary looks up from her papers and smiles at Adam. "Hello Mr.Lambert. I'll tell her that you have arrived. She is with a client right now so you will have to wait." She notions to the chairs next to the door.

We sit down in the seats and I look over at Adam. He sits forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands running through his black hair. His expression is nervous, worried.

"Hey, you'll do great and everything will be alright," I tell him, putting my hand on his shoulder. Adam looks up and smiles at me.

"Thanks," he grabs ahold of my hand and smiles at me.

Our attention turns to a person walking out of the office that Adam is about to go into. The mans eyes are wide as he runs his shaky hand through his hair. He's terrified.

Adam turns back to me, his eyes wider than before and his eyebrows pushed together.

"You got this handsome," I tell him once again.

"Yeah you're right. I got this." He tries to make the feeling fade but it's not working too well from what I can tell.

"Mr. Lambert, Mrs. Steele is ready to see you now."

Adam takes a deep breath and stands, straightening out his jacket. He follows the secretary but looks back at me for more reassurance. I don't say anything but smile at him. He shows of a smile and walks through the doors.


I hear the doors to my left open and Adam walks out. My heart sinks as he looks at me, a grim look on his face.

Shit. He's sad.

I stand up and Adam takes ahold of my hand. He pulls me through the long room, keeping his pace quick.

Shiiiiiiit. He's mad and sad.

He presses the button for the elevator ands we have to wait for it to rise up to our level. I look over at him as he runs his free hand through his hair.

The elevator finally opens and we walk in. Adam let's go of my hand and steps back into a corner of the elevator, hiding his face from me. His chest grows and falls at a quick rate, worrying me.

"Adam... Are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay," he growls.


"I'm just worried about you," I admit. The rest of the elevator ride is quiet, horrifyingly quiet.

Eventually the ride ends and we walk out if the building and back to Adam's car. We get in and Adam speaks up. "I have something I need to tell you."

I look over at him and his head hangs low.

"I don't know how to tell you this but... WE ARE GOING ON A WORLD TOUR!!" He shouts as his head springs up with a ginormous smile on his face.


"YES BABE!" We cheer and do little happy dances in our seats in the car.

"But guess who is coming with me?" He asks me.

"Uh... Your band?"

"Well duh! You're coming with me as well!"

I mouth becomes agape and I wrap my arms around him. "Thank you so much. You don't understand how much this means to me," I say, nearly crying into his shoulder. Ever since my mother left me I wished that I could leave this place. I just wanted to go, run away from all of this madness and just go. And now I can finally do it.

"So I guess I fooled you with my amazing acting skills." He smirks at me.

"Shut up." I playfully punch his arm because yes. He fooled me.

Love heart Love heart Love heart}

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora