Chapter 49

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{Hey guys so I have to tell you all something. I'm currently at my mothers house and she doesn't have wifi so my updates may be a little scattered until August. I'll try my best to update every week but if it doesn't happen now you know why. Thanks for understanding. :D ALSO HAVE YALL HEARD THE NEW ALBUM?! HOLY NUTS ITS GOOD!! As you may have already noticed this chapter is named "These Boys" ;) btw I'm gonna start naming the chapters so yeah... enjoy}

It's 1:30 in the afternoon and we finally made it to the festival.

{1:30 is 13:30 if anyone is confused :) }

When I told the boys we would eat breakfast and hang out it actually turned out to be breakfast and sleeping.

According to Adam he was the only one awake after breakfast. He says that I passed out when I finished eating and Tommy fell asleep soon after me. Luckily Adam got some extra sleep as well.

By the time we got around 3 hours of sleep it was noon. We woke up and decided to get ready for the festival. Adam and I got fixed up and we headed off. On the way, we stopped at Tommy's house so he could get money for anything he may want to buy.

By the time we were ready to go we were all wearing loose summer clothes. I was wearing a light blue top that was loose around my torso, jean shorts and black and white converses that matched my backpack. Tommy had a purple and black stripped T-shirt, ripped dark blue jeans and his creepers. Adam had a white T-shirt with rips on the sleeves by the shoulders, black cut off shorts and his high tops. Plus we were all wearing sunglasses and hats to protect ourselves from the sun and paps.

Now, I'm watching Adam and Tommy argue over where we should park. I honestly don't mind if we have to walk a mile but I'll just let them figure it out.





As they keep arguing I look around as well. It amazes me how many people are already here and it's only 1:30. It's particularly amazing because this is the first time we have ever had a "Fun" festival. We've had reggae festivals, country festivals, little kid festivals, art festivals, even tye-dye festivals. California has probably had every festival you can think of but there has never been one that's just called "Fun Festival".

When I finish my thoughts I start looking for a parking spot again. I searched as we drove along, the boys still fighting.

"ADAM STOP!!" I yell and he slams on the brakes. My heart stops as I jump out of the car and look at the ground in front of the car. A little boy stood not even a foot away from the vehicle. He was crying out for his mother and looking through the crowd of people. I kneeled down to his height and asked if he was okay.
He just nodded and cried some more for his mother. By this time Adam and Tommy got out car.

"What does your mom look like?" I ask the young boy.

Through his crying he answers me, "tall and yellow hair." He falls back and sits on the curb.

I turn back at the two adult men. Their eyes are filled with guilt and worry. "You two, go park the car. I'll pay the flipping parking meter if I have to."

"Your not mad at us?"

"Oh I'm infuriated! Im just keeping my cool for right now. Now please deal with the parking situation. I'll help this boy find his mother."

I turn back around to the little boy and he's just sitting in the curb, watching the people walk by.

"Hi... What's your name?" I ask him.

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now