Chapter 50

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I'm amazed by how big this place is. I have walked by hundreds of booths already and there are still more. The amount of people here is incredible as well. There are at least 500 people here but it still wasn't over crowded.

I glanced up at the sky. The gorgeous look that is just before a sunset. The stars started to shine and twinkle behind the thin clouds. I also noticed something else in the distance. I could see a faint outline of a Ferris wheel.

I had no clue that there were rides here.

I found a little bench with no one on it so I decided to take a seat. I pulled my backpack out from behind me and unzipped it. I searched through the bag, pushing the things that I bought to the side. I picked my phone out of the bottom and looked through my notifications. The ones that stood out the most were the multiple texts from Adam.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm an idiot I know"

"Tommy and I fucked up. I'm sorry"

"Where are you?"

"How can I make it up to you?"

"Skyler, please"

I felt the anger surge through me again but I knew that I couldn't stay mad at him forever.

"Meet me at the rides," I text him back.

Instantly he texts back "ok see ya soon ;)"

I smile and roll my eyes at his winky face. I zip up my bag, sling it over my shoulder and head towards the Ferris wheel.

It takes me a while to reach it but eventually I end up under the Ferris wheel. I look around at all of the rides. There was an equal balance of the rides that spun so fast they made you puke and the little kid rides.

I walked over to one if the little kid rides and watched as the children laughed. It made me start to think about things, my future. What if I had kids? I would actually liked the idea but not now. I'm still too young and naive to have a child of my own. I can't even take care of a fucking puppy. And besides, who would I have the kids with?

A thought comes to me that for some reason I can't accept it. Something makes me want to push the thought to the back of my mind. I try to clear my brain but it doesn't work. His name keeps going through my mind but I don't want to think it for some reason. "I'm too young to be thinking this way" I tell myself but he keeps going through my mind. Adam.

A pair arms wrap around my waist and lips on my cheek pulls me from my thoughts. I smile and look to my left to see his blue eyes.

"Do you forgive me yet?" He asks with puppy dog eyes and his charming smile.

"Hm... I'm not sure," I give him a wink and turn around to face him. I've already forgiven him but ya know what. I'm gonna play this out.

"Well what would it take for you to forgive me?"

"Well... I think it would be nice if you rode all of these rides with me." I hold out and arm, pointing at all of the rides.

"Even the little kids rides?" He laughs.

"If we are allowed... Sure," I laugh as well.

"Okay well I guess it's a deal." He moved his hands down from my waist to my hands.

"It's not a deal from me," Tommy says as he walks up behind Adam.

"Well I guess you will never be forgiven," I tell him jokingly.

"Plus you guys are horrible at hiding you all are together," he adds.

"Thomas I will make you face your fears and force you to ride one of these rides."

After that Tommy stays quiet. Adam takes me over to one of the ticket booths. We buy 20 tickets which will let us ride 5 rides.

"Which one should we ride first?" He asks me.

"Um... I'm not sure." I look up at the sky and the sun has almost hit the horizon.

"Hey let's do bumper cars!"

"Okay," I smile at him. His eyes are filled with excitement making him look like a kid in a candy store.


"OMG I'm so dizzy," I laugh holding onto Adam for support. He laughs along we walk away from the pervious ride.

When I regain my balance I glance down at the tickets in my hand. "Alright one more ride left."

"I think we should ride the Ferris wheel," Adam says.

"Um... Okay." I look up at the tall object and my heart starts beating rapidly.

"Are you okay? We don't have to ride it."

"No I want to ride it," I smile at him.

"Your afraid if heights aren't you?"

"No... Okay maybe."

"Look you'll be okay. Nothing will happen to us." He shows off that famous smile.

"Common lets get in line," I says as I pull him over to the line.

We wait for what seems like forever. It's eventually our turn and Adam gets in the seat first. I start to back down but holds out his hand for me. I take a deep breath and grab his hand. I sit down next to him and instantly his arms wrap around my waist, making me feel more secure.
The ride attended closes and locks the door.

"Alright here we go," Adam says. I feel the jerk of the ride starting again and we slowly go up. The higher we go, the faster my heart beats, the tighter I squeeze Adam's arms that are around me.

"Skyler look at me," I look at him and find that he's terrified. Not for himself, but for me. "Everything is okay. If I would've known you were going to be this scared I never would suggested it."

"It's good to face your fears," I say as I look down at the people below us. We are so high up... We are too high up! What if we fall?! What if we...

"Skyler look at me." Adam holds his hand on my cheek, trying to comfort me. I look towards him once again but this time I can't look away. I can't help but stare at his mesmerizing eyes. Slowly my heart goes back to normal as I listen to Adam talk and watch his eyes.

"I think I'm okay now." I smile at him and turn away from him. When I do I discover a beautiful sight. The sun was just starting to set, making the sky different colors. Everything was turning into midnight shades.

"Adam... Look at that." I felt the shift of his weight as he looked around me to see the sunset.

"Wow... That's gorgeous."

Suddenly I felt the ride lurch to a stop. I gasped and my heart stopped. I looked down once more and realized that we are at the top of the ride. And to make it better, the ride attendant was frantically searching for the reason we stopped.

"I'm not good anymore," I tell him. Adam intertwined his fingers with mine. He tells me to just watch the sunset again. I follow his orders and watch the sky again but only this time the sky was dusted with orange and pink clouds that were more visible than before.

Just as I started to chill the ride jerked forward again. I gasped again and leaned toward Adam. He let go of my hand and pulled my towards him, his hands around my waist.

"Oh my, look at the view on my side." I turn to his side hoping for happiness and I found something I didn't expect. A pair of perfect, soft lips against my own. Immediately the best of my heart calmed and synchronized with his. The butterfly feeling and the sparks all come rushing back to me like the first we kissed. My hands moved up to his neck before we pulled away.

When I opened my eyes I saw thee most beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, sight if the night. The man I love.

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now