Chapter 39

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I walk into class and the passing bell rings before I'm able to sit down. Damn that was close!

I set down my stuff and notice that everyone is staring at the TV in the corner of the room. I start to watch it and it's the story about Adam being in the hospital. By the looks on everyone's faces, they either vaguely know who he is or not at all. Some douches around the room sat down while calling Adam a fag.

Normally, I would've punched them in the face by now but I kept watching the news.

"Lambert's latest update on his health was a tweet explaining how he is fine. But, there was a picture to go along with the tweet. The picture was a selfie of himself and a mystery girl." As soon as I heard those words I jumped up and ran to the TV. I clicked the power button to shut it off before anyone saw the picture.

"Aw what the hell Skyler?!"

"Sorry, teachers orders," I said, making up an excuse.

"Thank you Ms.Nicole. Now everyone sit down and hush up. Today is the last day of school but you all can go partying once 2:30 rolls around okay. I have some activities you can do if you would like or you can talk. If you guys get too loud I'm making it silent in here, understand?"

Everyone in the class nodded and began their conversations. I have no friends in my last class of the day so I know I wouldn't be talking.

I pulled out my sketchbook and started designing an idea. It's was a transformation of myself from kindergarten to senior year. It was so odd realizing how far I had come in life.

The final bell of the school year rings and I stand up and put all of my things in my bag. When I start walking through the doorway I realize that this is it.

I have been in school for 13 years and this is the end. A whole world has opened up for opportunity and mistakes. Everything can change for the better or worse.

As I walk through the halls I look at all of the classrooms I have been in. All the memories start flowing back, making me a little emotional. I keep walking to my locker and I open it when I get there. I take out the one item that's left, my jacket that I kept in there incase there was bad weather. I stuff it into my bag and walk out the front doors of the school.

I get in Adam's car, the white one that isn't totaled, and start driving back to his house.

I've come so far, yet there's so much more to come.


I pull into the garage and notice that Leila's car is here. It brings a smile to my face knowing that Adam is back. The hospital wouldn't let him leave because they wanted to make sure that he was healing right.

I have been staying at the house since it's easier to deal with school from here. I haven't seen Adam in 3 days and I'm really curious to know how he is doing.

I walk up the stairs and see Adam and Leila standing next to the sink, drinking some tea. Next to Adam were a pair of crutches. I don't know why but I was expecting a wheel chair.

I walk around to my room being unnoticed and decide that I should surprise Adam. I walk out of my room and use a different corridor to enter the kitchen. Leila notices me but I give her a signal. Luckily she catches on and I use my stealth to walk up behind Adam. I don't want to scare him which will make him jump and probably injure him so I just give a tight hug from behind.

"Hey your home," he says while twisting around to see me. Just seeing his smile makes me happier.

"Well Adam, I'm going to head home. It's getting close to the time when Neil and I are going to meet up," Leila says while grabbing her things. "And I promise Skyler, I'm not running away from you. I just need to get going."

"Okay," I say with a chuckle. We give our farewells and as Leila heads towards the stairs she turns around. She gives Adam a wink and goes on her way.

Seriously, what is up with winking in this family??

"So beautiful, how was your last day of highschool?" Adam asks with his charming smile.

"It was alright surprisingly. It's so surreal to think that it's all over," I tell him. "So handsome, how was the hospital?"

"Ugh, miserable. Horrible food, rude nurses and a mother that's a little too protective." He laughs at the last part. "I'm just happy I'm back home with you."

His sentence makes my heart flutter. It's crazy how easily he does this to me.

"Well, I see you have crutches. I thought they would've given you a wheelchair." I say, trying to pull my mind away and make my blush stop.

"They actually tried to give me a wheel chair but I wasn't going to do it. My schedule is way too busy to deal with a wheel chair. Besides, my arms my need some exercise," he says while flexing his arms.

"Well, do you wanna sit?" I ask him.

"Yeah let's go sit outside." He grabs his crutches and starts to head outside. I follow him onto the patio and we sit on a lawn couch.

"It's so nice out today." He takes a deep breathe of the fresh air and wraps his arm around me.

I missed this. Missed this feeling, hanging out with Adam and not have a care on the world. I missed him.

"I missed you," I say with out even realizing it.

"I missed you too," he says while looking down at me. Those eyes, that hair, his face, all add up in utter perfection. It all adds up to him.

I sit up straighter and lean on his shoulder, draping my arm across his chest. When I do so I feel his heart beat quicken so I look up at him. I find him peering down at me with stars in his eyes.

The moment stops when we hear a clap of thunder. We look around and there are dark clouds rolling from behind. Adam looks back at me with a grim look.

We both stand up and head back inside.

At least we had a little magical moment.

{ Heyo!! I wanted to wait until today to update because 6 months ago I started writing this book. Little did I know that within 6 months I would've gained 6.26k reads, 260 votes and 70 comments. Thank you so much for reading and all of the feedback. It's a real inspiration to know that people like this story. I love you Pies <3
Also, in the next chapter, the story explodes. :D stay fierce and peace}

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt