Chapter 70

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Skyler's POV

He swings his arm forward, slapping his hand across my face. You would expect that I would've stopped him or I would've flinched at the least. But I didn't. I had already accepted my fate. I was going to die very soon and I was okay with that. I felt weak because I hadn't eaten since the day I was transported from Sauli's house.

I felt bad for him. He didn't want to do this at all but he knew that we would receive a great reward if he did. Everyday, when the sun would start to set, he would bring me a sandwich to eat. Near the beginning, he would sometimes talk to me for a few minutes. But then that stopped and he wouldn't say anything. All he would do was look at my restraints before he left. I know he wanted to untie them... But he couldn't.

The man that I called my father since the day I was born, was controlling all of this. I hated calling him that from a very young age, but I just didn't know why. Maybe it was my future self telling my past self not to. But I did anyways. And now I regret that.

I regret a lot if things now that I know I'm going to die soon. I always thought there would be more time to accomplish my goals and dreams but who knew I was going to die from starvation. I sure as hell didn't. But it's okay.

I've pondered over death many of times. I always thought, "if I'm going to die anyways, why not do it right now and get it over with." But I never did. I never managed to end my life because I was afraid of missing out on something great. And I would have missed out on the only happy part of my life.

Never would've met Adam. Even though I haven't seen him in what feels like months, I can still picture his face staring down at me. His light blue eyes that always changed when I was around. His straight, white teeth that I always envied. And his natural sense of charm that you couldn't help but fall for.

My last and final dying wish is to see him again. Please.


I wake up to the sound of the door breaking downstairs. I try to move but I can't. It's not because of the restraints, it's because of my weak body. I have physically and emotionally given up on life.

I hear someone run up the stairs for a few moments until it becomes quiet again. The silence is broken but a loud voice that I thought I would never hear again. It gives me just a bit more of the strength I need to be noticed.

"Adam..?" I say, my voice almost nonexistent. I try to say if again but nothing comes out. I think that I have failed but I start to hear the familiar sound of boards being moved outside if this room. I try to use the last bit of strength I have left to see his face.

My wish was granted and I suceed.

But that is all. Just the one glance is all I get before I completely shut down. Everything goes blurry and white. I let out the last little bit of air that was held in my lungs. I fall forward into darkness. This is it. This is the end.


How? How am I having these thoughts? I thought I had past on to a different life. Or maybe I have and I'm still in the womb.

I try to spark a nerve inside my skull to make my eyes move, and it works. Am I alive? I try a different, life sustaining action; breathing. When I attempt it, I feel a cold sensation in my nose and my chest starts to rise. I am alive. I try one more thing that is useful for survival and one of the greatest senses; hearing. I hear mumbles of words being thrown around. Most of them have a feeling of excitement and relief.

My most ultimate test for myself is to open my eyes. I pull my eyelids apart and the feeling hurts. The bright white color forces me to blink a few times. As I do so, my body starts to function normally.

An incredible thing, humans are.

I see a yellow wall with a television it. I look to my left and there's nothing but an empty hospital room. I look to my right and the sight gives me more life. Him.

All of my senses come back at the same time, overwhelming but relieving.

"Doctor! Nurse! Someone! She's awake!" He cries before looking down at me finally. Tears of joy wet his face, a wide small spans across as well. "Oh my god you're alive!" He leans down and wraps his arms around me. The embrace is warm and comforting.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear. I gather all of my strength which is only enough to say two words but it's just enough. "Love you," I say to him in return.

He pulls me in even tighter and I know I made it. Just when I had given up, it got better. When I thought my time was up, I was proven wrong. Life's a cuckoo journey and I don't regret any of it. And I'm actually glad that there's more to it.

The end.

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now