Chapter 22

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{okay sorry guys... Idk how but I somehow fucked up the order of the story so you may have already read this chapter and I'm sorry if it made nonsense. I'm honestly confusing myself trying to fix this. The story should be in the right order soo...}

My body flies up from the floor. I sit on my bed and start to shake from fear and the cold.

Why is it so cold in here?

"Hey... Are you okay?" I hear a deep and groggy voice say. Damn his sleepy voice.

"Yeah... Just nightmares. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"Nah it's fine. Do you want to talk about your dream?"

"I think I'll be fine," I say while looking out my window. Must be fairly early because I can see light but there is no sun yet.

Adam stretches out his arms as if he was wanting to hold me. I accept his offer and lay down on the floor next him. He wraps his arms around my small body and pulls me in.

"Why are you always so cold?" he mentions will pulling the blanket over us.

"Why are you always so hot?"

"Sorry I was just born that way."

"I didn't mean it in that way! Even though it is true..." I mumble the last part but he still hears me.

"Ah well thank you but have you forgotten about your dream?"

"Kind of..." Actually I can remember every little detail but he doesn't need to know.

"Let's try to get some sleep because we beauty's need our beauty sleep."

I hold in my giggles because Alexis is still sleeping. Adam pulls me in even closer to where my head is on his bare chest.

Yes... Adam Lambert's BARE chest...

I start to listen to his heart beat while I look at all of his freckles. Even though I can remember my horrible dream I still feel no fear. I don't know what it is when I'm around him but I always feel safe. I close my eyes after awhile and fall back asleep.

{that was short... D: there is good news and bad news guys...

Bad news: You probably already know this.

Good news: there is still more below!}


I wake up to shadows moving and a weird feeling on my face. It almost feels like a bug but I feel someone's hot breathe.

"YOU GUYS ARE NOT!" I yell without even opening my eyes.

They both burst into laughter and I feel a thump on the floor. I open my eyes and find Alexis literally rolling on the carpet and Adam sitting on the my bed. They were both laughing hysterically.

Oh no... How much or what did they draw on my face.

"Are you guys serious!? What the guck did you all draw on my face?"

Neither of them gave me a response. I'm just really hoping they didn't use a sharpie or something that would be impossible to wipe off.

After a few minutes Adam's phone sounds. "Sorry to stop the fun but I gotta go," Adam says quietly while looking at his phone. He picks up his shirt and puts it back on.

We all stand up slowly as we realize that the fun is over. We walk out of my room and I glance at mirror. What I see makes me stop dead in my tracks.

Alexis had drawn a potato on my forehead that actually looks like a turd. The only reason I know it's a potato is because she had drawn an arrow from my cheek up to it that said "PoTaTo!"

Adam had wrote "Adam was here" on every other inch of my face. He also made little smiley faces and hearts too.

I shook my head and walked down the stairs. We weren't afraid of my father waking up because it was 8 in the morning. We headed out my back door and stood in the backyard.

"Welp... Bye guys," Adam said with a depressing sigh afterwards. Alexis and I held out our arms at the same time and pulled him in for a group hug.

Even though we just woke up, Adam smells awesome. I don't know how he does it but he does.

Alexis and I pull away and look into his eyes. Adam looks at Alexis and then me. He steps forward and fixes my hair, putting a strand behind my ear.

"Sorry but that was bothering me," he gives me a wink and walks off. It takes me a second but I realize that I was blushing... Like always. We watch him jump over the fence on the perimeter of my yard and start to walk towards his car which was parked in an alley.

"You guys would be cute together ya know," Alexis says randomly. I turn and give her a stern look that tells her to watch it.

"Okay, I know for sure you like him. That's kind of a Glambert standard."

I nod my head agreeing with her.

"But him... Every time he looks at you, he has a little twinkle in his eyes. His smile becomes brighter. It's almost like he becomes happier when you're around. Adam really likes you. And I don't mean like best friend like I'm mean boyfriend like you.

I turn around and shake my head with a smile plastered on my face and it stays there for a while. I walk back to the house and up to my room, still smiling.

Maybe she is right, maybe she isn't. At the moment I'm just a happy and hopeful girl.

{ so it's like 2 am and I'm just laying here fixing this damn story xD Ahh... the struggles of a writer in Wattpad. ^v^}

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