Manic Depressive #Natasha

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They settled back down to the sketches littering the table. Bruce was experimenting with web fluid, while Tony was 3D printing parts for 'Drony'.


It was around 3am when a door slammed upstairs and laughter rang through the compound. Exchanging confused glances, Tony and Bruce went upstairs to see what all the fuss was about.

Natasha and Bucky were stumbling over eachother laughing and singing the chorus to 'We Built This City'. They were pulling hundreds of shopping bags out of the trunk of the car, and there was an open jar of marshmallow fluff on the table in the hall with a spoon in it.

"Do I want to know?" Tony asked.

"I wanted socks and Target was open." Natasha replied.

"So you bought the entire store...." Bruce asked.

"Of course, it was only natural," Bucky giggled, pulling out a second spoon for the fluff.

Tony and Bruce began dragging the bags containing food into the kitchen, meanwhile Nat and Bucky took the other bags back to their rooms.


Steve had woken up bleary-eyed almost an hour ago to a cold bed. He wasn't too surprised though, this had happened before. He wandered around the dark compound of a few hours, the faint beat of 80s rock leaking through from the lab. It was calming - almost no noise, little light, and you could even see some stars out of the window. Now he had wandered back to his room to see Bucky was home.

Fairy lights had been strung up in every corner of the room and blankets covered the walls: it was a room-sized blanket fort. The bed wasn't so much a bed anymore, as a nest. There were pillows and cushions everywhere and a few throws draped lazily across it.

"You bought more..." Steve said.

Bucky was wrapped up in the entire duvet in the middle of he bed. He was staring intently at the TV opposite, on which 'Home' was playing. O had just arrived at his new apartment.

"You don't like it?" Bucky asked, still focused on the TV.

"It's... Great." Steve deadpanned. "I'll be back in a minute."

"Bring popcorn," Bucky called as Steve left the room.


Tony and Bruce couldn't sleep. And now they were both in the kitchen. Bruce was stressed out because he knew Natasha was going to try and find the socks again. Tony was freaking out because he knew Pepper would have his ass if he didn't keep the place clean. He was shelving the food as fast as he could, while Bruce was pulling it back out again. The eggs and cheese had been made into omletes, the chocolate had gone into pancakes, there was a souflé of some kind on the bottom shelf of the fridge, and the smell of sausage and bacon was currently wafting through the room. As Bruce cooked Tony ran after him, shelving the leftover eggs, putting food in the fridge and wiping counters down.

As Bruce was making a third batch of cookies Steve came in.

"He's doing it again," he said, drooping down onto one of the stools at the kitchen island.

"They bought 10 packs of chocolate chips!! None of which are dark chocolate!!" Tony exclaimed.

"He's watching Home. And there's more to come. I can feel it - in my belly." Steve clamped a hand over his mouth.  "Godamnit!! I'm quoting it subconsciously! He's going to watch Rise of the Guardians, and Atlantis, and How to Train Your Dragon."

"I'm running out of trays here!" Bruce said.

Tony took one out of the dishwasher and started scrubbing. "It's not that I don't like white or milk chocolate, it's just dark is my favourite. Unfortunately, it's also the healthiest, but it's still somehow my favourite. And they didn't get any... What kind of monsters are they?" He wondered aloud.

"I can hear him singing Let It Go. It follows me everywhere, I swear. It in my dreams. It won't let me go!" Steve was eating cookies in 1 bite by now.

"Tony I need the tray! The cookies are gonna burn!!"

"But who does this. This has to be some form of abuse. They can't not buy dark chocolate."

"I'm going back in time to shoot Walt Disney," Steve sobbed into the table.


Thor heard the banging in the kitchen. He knew what that meant. He struggled into a shirt and raced down the corridor to Bucky's room.

"Turn - turn on the CCTV..." He panted.

Grinning, Bucky paused Despicable Me, to turn on the kitchen footage. Thor collapsed against the wall, laughing.

Steve was sobbing into a stack of pancakes mumbling the lyrics to Let It Go, Bruce was covered in flour, silently fuming as he rolled out the 4th batch of cookies. There were green veins popping in his neck and he was beating the dough into the counter. Tony was lying on the floor surrounded by the broom, the mop, and a split bag of flour. He was curled up, whispering "she's gonna kill me," on repeat like a broken record.

It was almost 5am now.

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