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I put my phone down, seeing Jimin staring at me from across the table.

"Well?" He said. 

"I'm going on a date tonight," I said, making Jimin walk up to me and playfully punch my shoulder. 

"That's awsome, I told you she would say yes!"  He chuckled

"Daddy, can I have a snack?" Areum came up to me holding my hand.

I looked down at my daughter, "No honey, you'll be eating dinner here soon."

"What about you?" she asked.

"I'm going out with Y/N, so Jimin will tuck you into bed tonight"

"But Yoongi I-"

"Yay!" She interrupted him, squealing with excitement, grabbing Jimin's hand.

"Come on I'll show you my doll collection!"

I chuckled waving at Jimin being taken away by Areum, now realizing I have to get ready.


I stepped into my bathroom, turning on the shower, and letting the water run to a warm temperature.

After the water was decently warm, I undressed and stepped into the shower.

The warm water felt good on my skin, releasing all the tension in my back.

After I was done cleaning myself, I dried off and started to get ready.


I gently swiped the lipstick across my bottom lip, being careful not to overline my lips.

After applying the makeup, I puckered my lips being happy with the way I looked.

I was wearing a simple maroon dress, with natural makeup.

But underneath I had on black lingerie in the hopes I would get something tonight.

Again, I didn't like to go full out bold makeup unless it was for my job.

My phone buzzed on the table, a message from Yoongi popped up on the screen.


I grabbed my small purse and keys, walking out of my apartment, locking the door behind me.

I walked down the street, seeing him in his car.

I got into the passenger side, "Well, hello there stranger," I said.

He chuckled, putting his phone down and driving away from the sidewalk.

"You look nice," he said with his eyes on the road.

"You don't look bad yourself," I turned to him

"Thank you," he continued to drive to who knows where.

 "So, where are we going?" I asked.

"A nice restaurant"

The rest of the ride there was silent.


One we got there, a waiter seated us and handed us our menus.

I looked around the place, "This is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, miss," the waiter said, smiling.

"Oh, thank you," I blushed.

The waiter poured red wine into our glass, then left to let us decide what we wanted.

"What are you thinking about getting, Yoongi?" I questioned.

"A steak, like always."

"I think I'll get a salad, I need to start eating better, or the guys at work won't be attracted to me anymore," I said taking a sip of my wine.

"Oh, well I don't think that, but each their own," he said putting his menu down.

The man shortly came back taking our orders.

"Thank you for taking me out to dinner, to be honest, I haven't really left my apartment the last week," I said.

"I thought it'd be nice to get you out of the house"

"I, uh, don't know how many times I've said I'm sorry for everything, but I truly am," I said nervously.

"It's okay, but if you keep apologizing I'm going to kick you out," we chuckled.

"Yoongi, can I ask you something?"

I put my elbow on the table, resting my head in my hand, "Eric told me he wanted you dead because you killed one of his friends."

"I never killed any of his friends," he said intertwining his fingers together.

I was confused, "then what happened?"

He took a deep breath, "Y/N, Eric killed Areums mother six years ago."

"Oh my god," I was completely shocked.

"Before she met me she dated Eric, but when she and I got together she still saw him, but when she realized how wrong it was and stopped seeing Eric, it set him off and he killed her."

I didn't know how to feel or process this, "Yoongi, I'm so sorry."

"So it's just been me and Areum, I love her more than my own life, I would do anything to protect her," he said.

I smiled, "That's sweet you know? The first time I met you, you seemed like this cold and mean person, but I think she brings out the light in you,"

After my comment, our food had arrived at our table.

We became to eat our meals, savoring the flavor of the fancy dishes.

I couldn't help but to glance at him while eating, he just looked too damn good.

He looked back at me, obviously aware that I was staring at him.

I quickly look back down, causing him to release a chuckle.

After we were done eating, he paid the bill and helped me out of my seat.

"Hey, so I know this really good ice cream parlor nearby," he said holding my hand as we walk out together.


814 words

next chapter might get a little steamy o-o

also, I knowww I'm sorry for ending off on a cliff hanger but I'm getting tired (it's 01:30) and I wanted to publish this because I'm thinking of completing the book within the next few chapters (probably 3-4)  :(

I know it was kinda short but I can make a season two if you guys really want it :)

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