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(◔◡◔) Enjoy

Recap:Basically Meliodas decided to let Y/n visit her village again since she really misses her mother.

Y/n POV:
"It kinda weird being back since it been a while. It's 3:28 pm so mother should be out of work.Since I'm back here and mother barely got out of work.I'm gonna go back to my place to pick some clothes up since pervy Meliodas is only having me wearing short stuff.I didn't mind only that I don't feel really uncomfortable wearing short stuff sometimes."

(Y/n arrive at her small cottage house she pick some clothes up and went back to her mothers house to say hi since it been a while she has seen her.)

Back to Y/ n POV again:

"Ok I'm here."Why I'm I nervous it only been a few months,I still can't believe Meliodas let me come I guess he really trusted me."

"It now or never Y/n.Ok here I'll go.
I knocked on the door and start hearing footsteps coming closer to door.I feel my body trembling.I look at the door knob to see it moving right."

"That until I see my mother..."

"Hello Mother...."

Y/n Mother POV:

"I just got back from work and something got me thinking why hasn't my sweet Y/n call or even text me.I know she said she has a job for 365 days but 365 days is a year.I got pretty worried but I'm glad she has a job and hope she happy."

"I was making myself some relax tea to calm myself down since I been worrying about y/n."

"My sweet daughter is out there working but I didn't even ask her where she work or what the job."

"I was about to sit down and drink my tea until I heard a door knock."

"I walk towards the door to see my sweet Y/n."

"Hi Mother...."

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