Car connection ch 20 pt 2

31 2 0

Those who are interested in OCCULT AU -

An amazing mystery car that connects here and there

Night time in the middle of the forest ---------- SU OCCULT AU

Jamie: Where are we?

Amethyst : Beats me. Any ideas?

Otar : Not yet

The three started to look around, searching for any inhabitants. It was a dark and trees blocked the sigt so it wasn't easy to find a way out.

Otar : Amethyst can you see anything?

Ame : Hello jst because I'm a gem doesn't mean I have night vision or soemthing.

.....and then Jamie found something horrifying

JAmie: AAh GUYS!!

Otar and Amethyst quickly ran to Jamie to see a body : bitten, torn apart, bloodied on the ground with a trace of scars and big teeth.

Amethyst shakened and took a step back

Otar didn't move as he tried not to vomit

Jamie : What happend here?!?!

Otar : I-I....

A strange sound eminated from the forest mounts : Woooooooooow!

Otar : Can it be? Ouh no

Amethyst : Wha-what is it?!

Otar : Werewolfs! They are here!

JAmie : They actually EXIST?!!?

Otar : No other being can do something like that I've seen this before !

Amethyst : Then we need to get the heck out of here!

Amethyst turned into a lion "C'mon now"

Otar an dJamie sat on her back and she marched full speed in the unknown direction

1 Hour later

Jamie POV

After searching for an hour, we finally escpaed the forest.

Otar : fuuh we are out now

Amethyst : yeah lucky us

Jamie : But wwhat now? we can't jsut let werewolfs roaming free there? What if that's why we are here?

Otar: Then we will figure something out

Amethyst : Wow guys look

The town we found was much like beach city except the beach lake was a much larger desert and had.... smokes?

Jamie: Wait a minute..-

We were caught off guard by the sound of yelling and the nsaw the burning smoke coming from the beach lake nearby



We looked at each other then at the flames before running towards the source. Luckily there was a jeep car which Otar managed to activate. This is probably a robbery but right now we have mroe important things to do.

We arrived and left the car to see what was happening but we couldn't see who were the witches they were screaming at first until the crowd cleared up a bit

I couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw. It was Garnet and with her are Pearl, Amethyst and Steven as the crowd seperated Steven from his friends. I also saw Peridot tied to the stake with Lapis.. as well as Ruby and Sapphire.

AMethyst: That's me.... what are they doing?!

Otar : They are trying to burn them alive!

Jamie: We have to help!

Otar : I know but we need a plan!

Time was running out as we thought of the plan

Town's people were ready to set them on fire very soon so we had to act quickly

Otar : Listen I think I know how to save them but we have to lure werewolfs here...

I didn't like the idea not one bit

Jamie : You saw what they did's too dangerous!

Otar : I know but we have to do this otherwise I don't think we will be able to take on this crowd

Peridot : Lapis !!!!

Sapphire : Ruby !!!!

We were running out of options and so we begrudgingly ageed

Amethyst : gaah okay

Jamie: But be quick

After expalinng the plan, Otar used his powers to run back into the forest. Me and Amethyst and tried to infiltrate the crowd. I asked Amethyst to take a form of different person so that we can enter without getting caught.

Amethyst held on my hand : Jamie be careful please

Jamie: I will be okay Amethyst I rpomise

I reassured her that we will get out alive but I felt not so sure myself

We entered the crowd but seperately : Me to find Steven and second Amethyst while My Amethyst looks for Garnet and Pearl.

I managed to find Amethyst counterpart but I couldn't step in due t ooverwhelming number of people guarding her. They locked in a cage liek she some kind of animal....I was frustrated at how they could be capable of such things. Why are they doing this? Why?!

'Otar please hurry'


The crowd was up risning with the thunderous upplause as my face colour was fading. They were going to kill them

I wanted to go in adn help them but I tried to hold myself back



I was worrying Otar won't make it in time but THEN there was a shout


The crowds' cheering sounds slowly stopped as they turned their heads to see a young man running out of the forest with a bunch of big hairy werewolfes following him in suit

The crowd got scared as they were now running around and away from the lake



The crowd was now running as the werewolves were now targetting them giving a distraction me and Amethyst needed.

I went straight for the cage unlocking the it and releasing the second amethyst

2 Ame : Huh What wait why are you helping me?

Jamie: I'll explain later right now your friends need our help !

Steven: Amethyst !

Steven ran up to them and hugged Amethyst. It appears he was left behind when werewolves arrived.

Amethyst : man am I glad to see you buddy *sniffs*

Some people saw them and one of them yelled out in an outrage and disbelief


I felt anger as he started to glow pink color when they said that "The only abomination here is you"


The werewolf appeared from behind the said person and sliced on his back "GRAAAAAARAAAWWWWH"

I really didn't want anybody to die but what's done is done now. We all ran towards the stakes where Ruby, Sapphire, Lapis and Peridot were tied to. One of the werewolves jump in front of us, I was about to put my powers to another use. I knew it was dangeros but I had to try.

However to our luck, Otar then appeared on the scene riding with the jeep car like a crazy man avoiding people and werewolves across the lake and smashed the werewolf far away from us.


Amethyst and Steven released LApis and Peridot while Jamie was releaseing his parents in law (pun intended)

Ruby: W-what?! What are YOU doing here?

Jamie: So you do know me?


Jamie: RIGHT!

Otar opened the car doors and tired to put out the flames arond the stakes while I searched for Amethyst .

Luckily the crowd being dissolved mdde it easier so I found them but Pearl was wounded and blood was coming out of her.

Amethyst : I was too late

Garnet cried for her friend

Jamie put his hand on her shoulder and she quickly reacted

2 Garnet: GET AWAY FROM US!! *sniffs* Haah huh Jamie?

Jamie : Yes listen we will help her but please we need to get out of here

Thsoe who saw this tried to stop us by throwing their forks and knives at us but Otar rode his car just in time to shield us.


Amethyst jumped onto the car while I helped Garnet to move Pearl inside.

And then Otar pressed the pedals and pulled out all the stops to get out of the beach area. In the process people who survived so long threw the ir weapons again and werewolves tried to jump onto the car but thankfully Otar outmanuevered their efforts making it to the town's road.

We were riding as far away from the town as possible.

However then we still had one trouble :

We had to find a place to stay and fast as Pearls' condition was worsening

It was hard but then Amethyst got an idea. So we drove to the strange isolated barn away from everyone (This one reminded Jamie of the barn he had a delivey to Lapis and Peridot 2 years ago)

Jamie: cmon put her on the sofa there

pearl was dying and we didn't knwo what to do

Jamie : What's happening to her?

Sapphire: She has a silver piece stabbed in her....

Jamie : We have to remove it!

Ruby: We can't it's too deep and we might hurt her

I was rnning out of options, I'm no doctor or surgeant.....

Otar: I think... I can help.

Otar made his way to her but garnet doesn't let him near her

Otar: *sighs* Ms Garnet I'm very sorry but if you want her to live you Have to let me help.

Garnet was relctant to trust Pearl's life to a stranger but then she knew it was true

Jamie: Garnet trust us...please

Garnet looked at me and slowly released Pearl

Otar then sed his speed and his hand started vibrating as he then lowered his hand into Pearl's belly and in a momnet he grabbed the silver piece and slowly took it out, throwing it away in disgust.

Pearl then coughed and heavily breathed as she woke up


Afterwards everyone was relieved adn asked questions. We tried to explain as much as we could. They believed s t oor surprise but did say it seemed absurd.

Miss Sapphire then told everyone "After everything that's happened tonight we should all rest"

Sapphire and Ruby stayed to watch over Pearl while Amethyst , Ame , Peridot and Lapis went upstairs.

I decided to walk out to relax and take some fresh air, the night sky was really beautiful with stars shining bright

I then saw Garnet also watchig the sky thogh she looked like she talked to someone. Then I saw her eyes and her forehead being bright

Jamie : wow you have beautiful eyes

Garnet staggered as she turned to looked at me "Ouh it's you"

Jamie : Yeah came to check on are you holding up?

Garnet : I ...don't know. Me and my friends, my family nearly died, others amy still be in danger and are who knows where. I ty to look into the future to warn everyone, to help them avoid such fate. What si the point of this ability if I can't do anything....

Jamei :..... heh you really are like her. You are not much different

Garnet looked at me in confusion so I continued

J : She is much like you. Kind, wise, cool,stoick but often brash and very soft on the inside...I know this situation makes you elieve that you are worthless or useless trust me I've expeirenced that a lot myself

I looked at her and said "And you know that's not how we are. Everyone has their value, you and Steven shown that to me"

Garnet was surprised to hear the boys' name and slowly smiled " Hm he is a good child"

She also mentioned the next "You are not so different too"

J : Really? How did it went here?

G : Well at first it was annoying. He was following me for whole month, taking my pictures, texting me, sending me was very nice of you but also very creepy and so I decided to endall of it. I hope you are not sad about it.

Jamie : No it's okay, I rushed th events and acted like an idiot so I can't blame you. No such thing as love a first sight

Garnet : I told you that didn't I?

Jamie: Yeah .....I understand it though....after seeing Ruby and Sapphire hugging you while we were in the car, I rememberd the words my parents told me years ago so I'm not so sure?

Garnet : What is it?

Jamie : ....Garnet I'm not saying you are wrong but we both know love is unprodictable. It's not something logic can understand, love at first sight is real, or even love at first touch and maybe at first conception. When a child is born and handed to their mother, you and anyone can't help but love them. At least that's wha my parents told me but I believe those two feel the same for you....

Garnet was in awe 'Why did she feel so different?' The idea of having a child is different for obviousreasons, but nver before had Garnet thought of having children some day. How her mothers felt when she was born....they loved her even before she was born they loved her.

Garnet smiled , a tear threatening to fall but she felt like she learned something about love.

Jamie : Hey woah sorry I didn't mean anything bad

Garnet hugged me and said "Thank you for telling me all of this"

Jamie : Heh I'm your little mailman, I just delivered my own opinion"

While hugging him, Garnet looked at his back and noticed some big crack on him.

Garnet: Jamie what is-

Otar : Hey there lover birds!

Me and garnet immediately seperated tosee Otar looking at us, smugging to which we both only frowned upon.

Otar : Sorry but the car is ready it's time for us to go


At the sunrise everyone gathered outside the barn for a conversation.

Otar : Before we go d oyou have someone to help yo in your current situation?

Sapphire : Greg can help us. He's a friend of ours so he may help us

Jamie : So Mr Universe is here too? Well a least someone we can trust here.

Peridot: So you are leaving already?

Amethyst : Yeah Peri but we'll visit again

Otar : Definitely.

Otar sat at the steering wheel, Amethyst hand-bumped with Ame and sat on the back seat.

I took a look at everyone then at Garnet.

J : Goodbye for now

G : Bye...

I sat beside Otar who ran the car, driving away as Amethyst screamed out the window "SEE YA LATER GUYS"

Ame : BYE SIS!


We managed to find a road away from barn so that no one looks there

Otar: Everything went rather well

Jamie: Yeah but could've made it without killing so many people in the process

Otar: I know but had little time and choice...I know thats no excuse but sometimes things like that are inevitable

Amethyst: You are speaking like Garnet

Otar: She is a wise person....I'm sorry we had to resort to werewolfs and-


We drove into the small crowd that started throwing stuff at us.....Otar turned the car around "I think we were on enough trip here"

Otar went for his belt but then one of the wheels got hit with the knife resulting me and Otar hitting the front glass. His belt got hit in the process and started shoot some electricity.

We were met with a bright light blocking our sight from the road. But even when it cleared, it was storm turmoiling outside this time.

Amethyst: WOW where are we?!

Otar: Don't know! But it's obviously not a good weather here!

The rain was blocking the view as Otar tried to ride it straightforward, I looked around to see that we are riding near the forest and then I saw a nearby utility pole.

We were riding right into it.

Jamie: Hey stop there's a pole there

But it was too late the car hit the pole full on, damaging the car and the pole was pushed back.

Amethyst: Whoah are you okay?

Jamie : yeah we'll be fine

The belt again started to glow

Otar: Ouh not this again!!

Dement09 Lapidot

Otar: Huh where are we?

Jamie: We are on a road somewhere...

Amethyst: Look there we can ask them...

We saw another car coming so we slowed to ask

Otar lowers the glass window

Otar: uh hye can you tell where is the close station here or-?

It took us a moment to look at other people in the car

Amethyst : psst isn't that me?

Jamie: Pearl, Jasper, Garnet and....Peridot?

"....uhm go this way straight and in a few miles there's a city station..."

Otar : Thanks... ma'm

We then drove away further

Amethyst: Can I ask how many us as humans are out there?

Otar: An infinite number .

The belt started glowing instantly

We then found ourselves stranded in the middle of a field. The car was not working though

Otar: (sighs) Unfortunate . Was a good one

Amethyst : Well what do we do now?

Jamie : First we need to stop that belt from glitching like that.

Otar : Give me a minute and it'll work as good as new.

Ame: Uuh guys?

We then turned to see a strange shadowy figure approaching us, not up for another fight we decided to hide in the grass and bushes.

The figure didn't spot us luckily but then we recognised who that was. With a white hair, orange color, and a height like that there can be no doubt.

Otar: Wait a minute

Jamie: Is that...?

Amethyst: Jasper!

Otar : Shuuu! Yes we got that.

Jasper: Heh Well look at that. I'm sure the nerd can do something with this.

Amethyst: Nerd? So Peridot is here?

Jamie: I guess Peridot is having another meep morp.
Lapidot AntiFreeze

The three watched as Jasper picked up our car and walked her way.

Then the belt flashed again

Otar: Ah here it goes again hold on

They held on the belt as it brightened up , and they dissapeared from sight.

Jasper turned to see if something was there, she didn't find anything or anyone and wondered if she was mistaken

'Meh must've been another earth animal '


Pearl: I don't know why one of those utility humans haven't come around to fix it yet.....

Amethyst: Guess it's up to us, then! Just gonna muscle it back into place and Steven can charge his phone again!

W!S: I'm....not sure that would work.... I think we need to call the city electrician...

Amethyst: Urgh, that's too complex. Someone obviously hit it with their car during the storm. I'll just hit it back again! In other direction!

Lapidot Dement09

Jasper : Huh well that was strange

Amethyst: yo jasper, thank you again for taking us all to your lake house! It's beautiful out here!

Jasper: Heh it sure is ...

Garnet: I call dog on the barbecue!

Pearl: I can't believe we're actually taking some time off! This is gonna be great!

Peridot: hmmmmmm.....

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