Chapter 3

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Sophie quickly ran from alley to alley after she slipped out of her window and climbed down a tree. There were lots of houses in her neighborhood, so she could easily hide in the shadows. She had the whole route memorized with her photographic memory.

The sun had just set and Sophie could see the remnants of the pink sunset shining on all the beautiful houses in her neighborhood. She lived in a very rich neighborhood.

     Yes, rich neighborhoods were safer, but everyone who lived in the mansions were, like, a hundred years old or the Vackers—as in the family of Biana Vacker.

Sophie continued to slip unnoticed from shadow to shadow. When she came across the nicest house in the neighborhood, she threw an egg at a window. She had done this everyday for the last month, and would continue to do it until someone caught her. Sophie didn't normally break rules, but this was a special case.

The egg splattered on the window with a satisfying crack. Operation go-to-training was almost complete.

Sophie jumped over a fence 1 and a half miles away from her house. She then stumbled into a bar of a sketchy neighborhood that sat next to her neighborhood.

     Sophie put on the hoodie she had tied around her waist and pulled up the hood. If anyone from school saw her at a bar they would freak out. Sophie had a reputation for being teacher's pet and was the Valedictorian at Foxfire High School.

Sophie walked over to the "Employees Only" door in the back of the bar. It was hidden in the shadows so that no drunks would notice the door and get curious.

     Mr.Forkle was extremely good at choosing hideouts. They were always hiding in plain sight. That was the key to any disguise. The last hideout they had was at a run-down 7/11. It had been Sophie's favorite. She could steal Cheez-its whenever she wanted. They had to clear out the base, though. Forkle had somehow gotten word that the Neverseen, the Black Swan's whole reason for existence, had found their base. It was a good thing that they moved out because the next day the Neverseen burnt their base to a crisp.

     As Sophie walked through the door, a Black Swan agent asked for her verification phrase. She quickly whispered it into the agent's ear and skipped off. She was extremely excited to see Dex. It had been a while since he had been able to come.

     Sophie walked down a long, twisted hallway into the training room. The training room was made up entirely of cement. It also had beautiful graffiti on every square inch of the wall. Sophie had no clue who had done the graffiti, but they were an amazing artist. She longed to have art skills that good. Whenever she tried to draw anything it always looked like a burnt chicken nugget.

     Sophie was pulled out of her interesting thoughts as Dex enveloped her in a hug. Sophie hugged him back so hard that he had to say, "Sophie, air, please. I need air."

     "Oops, sorry. I guess I'm just so excited to finally see you! I miss you, I wish you still went to Foxfire, it's so lonely without you," Sophie sadly stated.

"Yeah, me too. I'm still having bully issues at my new school, so the move didn't help much. I guess I'll always be the loser. It's also a lot worse without you. You would always help me stand strong, but now I have nothing to fight for. But, I can't transfer back to Foxfire in the middle of the year, so I guess I'll just work on my burning. You told me that it needed help, so now I can—" Dex was cut off of his rambling as Sophie gave him another bone crushing hug.

"Dex, I wish I could be there for you, but I can't. You'll have to stay strong for me. Just so you know, I've always got your back. If you need me to, I will beat up anyone who lays a finger on you. No one messes with my amazing best friend!" Sophie shouted. A few heads turned their way as Dex started to laugh at Sophie's ridiculous speech.

"Don't worry, I can take them down with one hand, and you know it," Dex stated as he got out a throwing star and threw it at a nearby target. It sunk into the middle, "Bullseye!!" Dex shouted as he pumped his fist.

"I can take them down with no hands, though, and you know it," Sophie said with an evil laugh. She then threw a throwing star in the air and started spinning it around her wrist. It was like she was defying gravity. She then let the throwing star fly at the target. "Take that!!!" Sophie screamed as it hit the bullseye on her target. She then examined her wrist for any scratches and saw none. That was a first. She usually accidentally slashed herself when completing that trick.

Dex groaned, "Seriously Sophie, do you always have to show off? Also, how is that even possible!?!" He screeched, "like, WHAT!?! Please, please, please teach me how you do that!"

Sophie sighed, this was going to be a long night, "Fine, as long as you come to our pit fighting tournament tomorrow and fight me. I need an actually decent opponent."

"Will do, just because you called me decent, though," Dex said as he playfully laughed.

Sophie ruffled his strawberry blond hair as she said, "You better treasure that, it won't be happening again."

"I will, don't worry," Dex stated matter-of-factly, "Now, teach me your ways oh wise one."

"You better actually listen to me this time," Sophie said as she wagged her finger in front of Dex's periwinkle eyes.

Dex rolled his eyes as he reluctantly agreed, "Fine."

"Then, let's get started!!" Sophie exclaimed.

~ ~ ~

After 3 hours of hardcore training and lots of goofing off, Dex finally did the trick. Well, sorta. He cut a deep gash in his arm and flung the throwing star into a target across the room from the one they were practicing on, but it's a start.

Eventually everyone was allowed to go, and Sophie started to head to the bar. But she didn't leave without giving Dex a bear hug, "Be prepared for me to kick your butt tomorrow," Sophie warned.

Sorry that this chapter was a lot shorter than my other ones. I just wanted you guys to see what training is like, and to see Sophie and Dex's adorable friendship. I love them both so much.

I'm so excited for the next chapter!!! You guys know what's coming, Keefe!!!!! I'm going to apologize in advance, though. You guys might not like the way I wrote Keefe. I'm sorry, but it is very important to the plot, so you'll have to deal with it. Now I'm probably scaring you guys 🤣🤣🤣, don't worry, you won't hate it too much.

And also, to anyone who read my one-shot that I posted today, I know it's terrible. I've never been in a relationship, so I have no clue how to write love scenes. I had such a great idea, but then it turned into trash 😭😭😭.

Thank you for reading this, I've loved writing it so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

~Penguin out ❤️✌🏻

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