"Meanie!" the youngest replied, sticking out his little tongue. "Jongie like nakey nakey"

"You can't walk around nakey nakey outside, bunny" his father responded while seating him in the car. "It's pants zone here" he added, getting in the car himself to drive off. He was getting late by now.


"Ah, there is our car" Yeosang said as he pointed at the parking lot next to the school. He grabbed his brothers shoving them to the direction. They said their goodbyes to the security guard at the gates and went on to their father.

"Papa!" San announced them, running off to the car first. "You're late today"

"Someone didn't want to put on pants" he chuckled, helping his kids in the car. "We still need to get Mingi and Wooyoung from kindergarten, they must be waiting already"

During the short ride, the brothers in the backseat talked about their short school day. It was a little loud, Jongho was all talkative today.

"I will go inside and get them, okay? No unbuckling, I will be back in five minutes" Seonghwa said, taking the car keys with him. Thank God for electro cars, they didn't function at all without the key.

With fast steps the father walked through the kindergarten to the very back, there was the group his two children were in. Just as he had predicted, they were already waiting from him with their teacher next to them. "Oh, I'm so sorry for being late Mrs. Jeon!"

"Nothing to be sorry about, there are still kids waiting, you're not the only one" the kind woman replied. "so, Mingi and Wooyoung, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Mrs Jeon!" the two said, waving goodbye at their teacher. They turned to their wardrobe, changing their shoes and putting on their jackets.

While waiting for them, Seonghwa overheard a conversation just a little behind him.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Look at him, overworked as a parent"

"And still having more... Huh, the last one didn't make it I heard"

"No wonder... Look at the two, I don't want to know what food they get at home. Don't you think they are to fat?"

"probably had all of them so his husband can't leave him and he keeps the money"

"ah... Typical poor countrysiders that became rich afterwards... Disgusting"

Over the years of being the husband of a well-known celebrity, Seonghwa had learned how to blend out such things. He didn't hear them at all anymore. Usually. But whenever the topic was his kids and his way of raising them, the man couldn't hold back, no matter how hard he tried. "Ah! You must be parents of someone from this group! I don't think we have met yet! I am Kim, Kim Seonghwa. Mingi and Wooyoung's father" he introduced himself, a perfectly faked smile resting on his lips.

As the two didn't see it coming, they tensed for a second. "Ah... Yes. Im Jisoo" the one said, shaking the hand Seonghwa's was extending.

"Lee Hyejin" the other introduced, also accepting Seonghwa's hand.

"Ah, how nice to meet you!" Seonghwa replied, keeping up his expression. "Ah... I am sorry, but I accidentally eavesdropped on your conversation earlier... You're so right, how could I, as a father, decide to not focus on the weight of literal children visiting kindergarten? So irresponsible of me, to think that it's natural for kids to be chubby at that age as they just came out of being a toddler and are newly building up muscles... Ah... I'm such a overworked parent" he sighed, pulling through his play. "Of course I am overworked, raising six boys isn't easy, I should have worked shouldn't I? I just did it to bind my husband to myself so I won't have to work again, don't you think? I didn't think of having by beautiful children because we wanted to have a big family... Ah... You're right, my last child didn't make it. And do you want to know why? Do you want to know why I lost an angel? Because of people like you putting things out of nowhere into this world. Because of people like you, who talk without thinking your words could do... Do you know how it feels to wake up and be alone? To realize you failed to protect the most precious thing?... No, you're totally right, I'm such a disgusting person and bad parent" he said, still keeping up his faked smile, scaring the living shit out of Lee and Im. "But thanks for reminding me, and for the talk! I hope we can talk again, have a great day!" he added, grabbing his two children by their hand and leaving the kindergarten.

"Uhhh... Papa is so cool"

Hey, how you feeling?

So this book reached 20k a little while ago and now surpassed 21k already and I am shock and I don't know how like - o.O
Thank you so much for reading this! It makes me just so happy, taht o can entertain you with this! :)

Now something serious.

I, finally after 10 years, told my mom about the harassment I had to face from a close family friend. It's an ugly world we live in... I don't know how to feel about it or if my mom even believes me it's was a pretty... overwhelming conversation. But I feel relieved that I could tell her that finally.

Please speak up about harassment. There is nothing you have to feel ashamed of, it's not your fault. It's this society's set up that makes us believe that. There are so many victims everywhere, and I want you to know that you will be listened to.

Please stay healthy and safe, please stay safe


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