Chapter 1: The Present

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Don't forget to check out my new story =) its called The Ones We Choose To Love. It's a girlxgirl story as well and you can find it on my profile under my works =) check it out and let me know what you think guys! =)


Chapter 1: The Present 

I couldn’t help myself. I had to have another chocolate chip cookie. I reached over to grab one. SMACK. Immediately, I took back my hand. “Ouch! What? I just want another cookie Kayle” I said as I glance over at my beautiful girlfriend. Everything about her is perfect. Her eyes, her smile, her personality and she’s all mine but sometimes she could really be a pain in my ass.

“No more cookies Adian. This is for your own good. You have been complaining about gaining weight but you won’t stop eating these dam cookies.”

“Come on babe, just one more, please?” I put my hands together and put on my pouty face, begging for her to give me one last one.

“NO and by the way, that face doesn’t work on me. You are not getting another cookie and that’s final.” I watched as she took the pack of cookies and threw them away. My jaw dropped.


“It’s for your own good, love.” She said as she turned around to give me a kiss. Then all my thoughts about the cookies were gone. I closed my eyes as her lips moved along with mine.  She slowly drew away but I didn’t let her. I wrapped my arms around her neck to keep her in place. She couldn’t help but smile. I licked her lips asking for entrance to her mouth and she gave it to me. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and felt her warm tongue against mine. Her hands slowly went to bottom of my shirt and that was when I pulled away. She groaned in frustration and I couldn’t help but throw my head back and laugh.

“You always do that” she said as she put her arms across her chest. This time it was her who put on a pouty face. She was too cute. I grabbed her hand in mine and dragged her out of my house. 

“You know why I always do that” I said. She shook her head and said, “Yeah, because you don’t love me enough to give me what I want” she joked.

I looked down at my shoes and silently said, “Maybe if you had given me another cookie, I would of given you what you wanted.” She picked up my chin to make me look at her. “You are a big baby. I was just kidding. I don’t mind waiting until you are ready.” She gave me her cutest smile. I blushed. I was so inexperienced compared to her. She had had so many girlfriends before me. This makes me think back to the days when I was nothing to her but a girl in her Math and English class.

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