«172» New revalation

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« This is the first time we are showering together that you haven't made a move. » Yoongi jokes but it was obvious to see that he was exhausted after their day of travels. Jimin had his back against the water and he sighed looking up at Yoongi who was squeezing some of the body wash out of the sample in the shower giving him the look of tiredness.

« I'm tired and I don't want shower sex to be out first time as husbands. » Jimin honestly didn't care about shower sex being their first time, all he cared about was being with Yoongi having sex and he loved shower sex prbably more then normal on the bed sex so Yoongi should of known shower sex would be there means of doing it on this trip.

« I know, turn around I'll massage you. » Jimin smiled and turned around so that the front of his body was facing the water, in their bathroom there was also a jacuzzi tub which they would definitely be getting into sometime in the week they were there.

Jimin turned around and Yoongi started to massage his husband's shoulders hearing Jimin moan from the tension being relieved from back. Jimin did have some knots in his shoulders due to the stress of the wedding and the traveling and it was so much stress on his body which he didn't know was there until Yoongi touched him.

« I feel like I'm about to fall asleep. » Jimin admits and lets out a giggle, Yoongi couldn't help but coo at him. He could see Jimin's head fall forward and knew that he was probably really about to fall asleep.

Yoongi made sure to hurry up and they got done with their shower, Yoongi helped Jimin get out of the shower. He brought the younger up to the huge vanity area, it was the other part of the bathroom which had a wall of mirrors and three large sinks with plenty of counter room. Before walking in the bathroom Yoongi brought some clothes for them to change into so they didn't have to leave the warm steamy room which wasn't helping with the tiredness Jimin was feeling.

Jimin crossed his arms over his body and stared at his reflection in the mirror, it was kind of steamy but he got a view of what he looked like. This was the first time in a long time that he looked at himself and didn't instantly feel the need to throw up. He froze just staring at himself in the foggy mirror and he didn't even notice Yoongi who was trying to tell him something. He was shocked because he didn't feel the need to point out what he hated about his body, sure he didn't love his body and the way it looked but he was okay with it and didn't hate every little thing.

« Babe are you okay? » Yoongi was holding out boxers for Jimin to step into but once he realized that the younger wasn't paying attention he got concerned. He got even more concerned when he noticed that Jimin was looking at his reflection with a concerned and worried look on his face.

« Yeah I'm fine sorry. » Jimin snapped out of what he was thinking about and held onto Yoongi's shoulders as he put his legs in the holes of the underwear. Yoongi didn't say anything because he just thought that Jimin zoned out from being tired and he didn't read too much into things.

Yoongi fully helped Jimin get dressed, he slid some black sweats and a long sleeve black shirt on him of course they were Yoongi's clothes but he brought so much extra clothes he didn't worry about sharing them with Jimin. He got himself dressed as Jimin got his toothbrush and brushed his teeth, he smiled at how cute Jimin was with damp hair as he brushed his teeth and used a small towel to dry off his hair before going to lay down in bed.

« I'll meet you in bed. » Yoongi was finished brushing his teeth but Jimin was still doing his skincare routine because he didn't want bad skin after traveling all day. Yoongi gave the younger a kiss on the top of the head before walking out into the room to set up the bed and text JIn just to let him know that they arrived and to ask what souvenirs all of his friends wanted.

He managed to text all of his friends before Jimin walked into the room, the only light was coming from Yoongi's side table which set a nice glow to the bed and gave Jimin enough light to see where he was going since by this point it was dark outside and the curtains were closed. Jimin climbed into bed and as he did so Yoongi set his phone to charge on the side table, he moved the blankets to help the younger climb in and tucked him in once he got comfortable. They were now both laying right next to each other, Jimin let out a deep sigh before turning his head to look over at Yoongi.

« I don't hate my body as much as I did. » Jimin just comes out with it, he wants Yoongi to know this progress so that he doesn't feel the need to point out all of his flaws because he has come a long way in this journey.

« What? That's amazing isn't it? You don't look so happy. » Yoongi noticed that Jimin wasn't excited about this revelation, Jimin just gave him a small smile before explaining.

« I know some bad days will come up in the future but for now I am happy, just too tired to show it. » Yoongi nodded his head, it was hard to show what you are feeling when you're tired so he just lifted his arm inviting Jimin into his embrace.

« I'm proud of you and how far you have come. » Jimin moves in and lays his head on the older's chest placing the palm of his hand on one of Yoongi's pecks loving the warmth and feeling it enticing him to just fall asleep.

« Love you Yoon. » Jimin's voice fades off and before Yoongi could say anything back he realized that Jimin had already fallen asleep. This made him smile before reaching over to turn his lamp off.

« Love you too husband. » Yoongi mumbled against the top of Jimin's head before falling asleep as well holding onto his husband tightly.

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