«156» Pizza

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« She really wants to meet you, she wants to meet the boy who saved me. » Jimin smiled looking up at Yoongi, he was still in the older's arms as he spoke loving the warmth that radiated from him.

« I can't take all the credit for helping you. » Jimin rolled his eyes, he just didn't understand how much he meant to Jimin. Yoongi couldn't take all the credit because all he did was stay behind after his shift and cuddle him which he didn't know but it meant a lot to him.

« No one could do what you did, no one would show me love like you did, no one cared like you did, and no one would help me get out of the hospital like you did. I know you risked getting fired but you showed your love for me and made me feel special. » No one tried as hard as Yoongi did and Jimin really appreciated it. He showed him that he deserved love no matter what and it really helped him get better.

« People cared about you, I just fell in love with you. » The look in Yoongi's eyes showed how much in love he was with Jimin and Jimin could even see the shine in his eyes when they looked at each other. The doctors in the hospital always care for the patients but he fell in love.

« Then you can tell my mom that. » Jimin giggled when Yoongi's eyes widened telling your significant other's mom that you're in love with them is kind of scary. This look made Jimin burst out in laughter, making him tilt his head back.

« You also fell in love with me, don't deny you drooled over me all day. » Jimin cringed when thinking about it, he was so different back then and now he's embarrassed about what he would do. He had this confidence that made him do embarrassing things which makes him cringe now.

« Well you're hot and had mint green hair at the time, it was sexy. » He smiled, it was weird to say but Yoongi looked so breathtaking and didn't know why he was mean to him and distant when Yoongi helped him the first day he was in the hospital.

« Am I not sexy anymore? » Yoongi frowned but he just got a light hit on his shoulder looking to see Jimin roll his eyes.

« You're still sexy, you even put on a little weight and now you look good, better, hotter. » Jimin bit his lip and Yoongi knew what Jimin was trying to do and he wasn't going to let that happen right now.

« You're seducing me I can't believe this. » He joked trying to move away but Jimin just grabbed his arm and turned him around to face him again.

« You're easy to seduce and that isn't my fault. » He wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist touching his back really sexually making goosebumps appear on Yoongi's arms.

« Help me with the bags you horny thing. » Yoongi went to walk towards the door where the groceries were, Jimin followed close behind and they both carried the bags into the kitchen.

« Here I got you some strawberry milk. » Yoongi got out a bottle of strawberry milk that Jimin has been wanting for a couple days.

« Ooo yay! » Jimin grabbed the bottle and went over to the counter and jumped on it so he could sit and watch Yoongi put everything away. He always liked strawberry milk and he just craved it and was so happy he got some for him.

« Are you hungry? I can make us something. » Yoongi continues to put all the food away as Jimin takes a small sip of the strawberry milk hearing his stomach growl just after hearing the question.

« C-can we make pizza? I have always tried to not be in control of the cooking of food or the prep of food but I think making pizza together can help me overcome this. » He was scared to ask, making pizza for him was giving him too much control over everything and that really terrified him and he was ready to get over that.

« Of course, we have all the stuff for it so yes we can. » He took a break from putting all the food away to go over to Jimin and gently touch his thigh. He knew this was going to be something big for Jimin so of course he was going to be there for him.

« Okay. » Jimin blushed taking another sip of his milk blushing like crazy making the pink color of the milk he was sipping on.

Yoongi finished putting away all the food and stuff he had got and got out all the stuff to make pizza. He had this date idea, that's why he had all the stuff to make pizza however Jimin mentioned that he really didn't feel comfortable making pizza because it messed with his disorder so they two never made it until right now.

« You gotta get off the counter baby. » Yoongi went over to where Jimin was sitting on the counter and grabbed his waist helping him off. He set his strawberry milk down going over to where Yoongi had all of the pizza stuff.

« What do you want for toppings? »

« Probably just cheese? Umm maybe some peppers? » He didn't know what went on pizza, he only had cheese however he didn't want just cheese pizza and he was craving another flavor.

« alright I'll get the peppers. » He got out a bag of bell peppers and set them on the counter.

They had a good night with their pizza, Yoongi let Jimin do all the work however when Jimin would get overwhelmed or couldn't open something he would ask Yoongi for help. The pizza was pretty good and Jimin was proud of himself, he could eat the pizza and make it as well. It was a step for him and now he had no weight on his shoulders, he has a good connection to his mom again and now he can make the one thing he was scared to make.

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