«48» Changed personality

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Jimin's vital check went by smoothly he had a lot of calories pumped into his body which didn't make him feel the best but it was now breakfast time in the clinic. His stomach turned as he walked back into the cafeteria the loud noise made his head hurt and he almost threw up when he got a tray of food handed to him. He couldn't even look down at the tray as he walked over to an empty table sitting down to wait for Min-Ju who can get his mind off of eating.

He didn't notice that across the room stood Yoongi, he had his hands in his pockets biting his lip. He couldn't help but find the younger cute in his grey sweatshirt that was a little too big for him and some black jeans that were a little loose around his legs. Everything about Jimin to Yoongi was perfect, he wouldn't change a single thing and he could look at him all day.

He couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw Min-Ju walk up and sit down across from Jimin. He knew she was just a friend but he had to force himself to look away before he did something stupid.

Jimin looked up when he heard someone sit across from him, he knew it was Min-Ju but looking up just anyway like it was a habit. Her hair was taken out of the pony from this morning and her hair was a mess yet carefully brushed back, she was wearing a different sweatshirt as well which was weird because she never changed twice a day before.

« You look tired. » Jimin huffed out a laugh holding a plastic fork and picking at a small pile of banana chunks looking at Min-Ju who had dark bags under his eyes.

« Yeah and you look dead....You should eat those. » She shook her head pointing with her fork down to the action he was doing in front of her.

« I'm not that hungry. » He sighed looking down and setting his fork down next to the plate on the blue tray.

« I get it, you had to eat the last couple days, I'd be upset to. » She cut a small triangle out of the pancake on her plate dipping it into the strawberry sauce in the small plastic cup. This surprised Jimin because he saw her eat a pancake before and not once has she gone for the sugary syrup on the tray.

« Yeah well that's not the only reason why, I-I'm just not hungry. » She knitted her eyebrows bringing her hand down looking at Jimin confused.

« I mean are any of us hungry? I mean they trick us to be hungry don't they. » She dropped her fork down hearing it click on the plate keeping her head down but looking up at him with her eyes.

« what? I don't understand the question. » He bit his bottom lip in confusion not really understanding her question and not really knowing what she meant. She seemed out of it completely like she wasn't herself and it was making him a little confused.

« Is that what Yoongi told you? That the staff here are trying to "help" us but in reality they're tricking us into becoming unhealthy. » She finally lifted her head up to look at Jimin more, he was still confused and had no idea where she was getting all of this from and why she was acting like this.

« What? No of course not, the staff members are here to make us healthy again. It's us who are unhealthy. » She didn't seem convinced at all as she rolled her eyes. Jimin was scared at this point she wasn't making any sense.

« Are you feeling okay? » He asked seeing Min-Ju shake her head and look down make down at her plate picking up her fork which still had the piece of pancake and sauce on it.

« I'm fine. » She smiled but Jimin felt off about her, he didn't know why she was acting like this all of a sudden. She seemed fine in the morning but now she was acting a little insane but it wasn't like he could do anything about it.

« Okay? » He looked up glancing to the side to see the one person that could make his heart beat like crazy.

« Yoongi. » He mumbled mostly to himself not really wanting Min-Ju to hear but what he doesn't know is that she did hear him and now it was her turn to be all confused looking up at him like he was the insane one.

« Mr. Min? » She corrected sticking the pancake in her mouth finally cutting off another piece of the pancake while she chewed.

« Huh? Sorry I was ju- »

« Say you're in love with him and go. » She cut him off making him freeze and look at her with wide eyes but she seemed unfazed and continued to eat her pancake like nothing happened.

« What has gotten into you? You were fine this morning I don't understand? » He was kinda annoyed because he knew she liked Yoongi and maybe it was just jealously talking but he was concerned about her personality change.

« I don't know what your talking about. » She shook her head setting her fork down and lacing her fingers together and setting them on the table to look fully at Jimin.

« You're shaking. » He glanced down at her hands to see that she was shaking, he hadn't noticed but now that he has that just added to his worry.

« I don't want to hear it. » She stood up slamming her hands on the table before grabbing her tray and stomping over to the garbage can to throw her uneaten food away.

Jimin watched her walk away with worry in his eyes, she has never acted like this before and her freaking out added to this worry. He quickly glanced over at Yoongi who was standing with his hands in his pockets and his eyebrows knitted with worry as he looked to Jimin who displayed the same emotion.

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