«40» Not alone

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Yoongi was all done setting up the new IV throwing the wrapping in the garbage and finally looking up to meet Jimin's eyes. He didn't know that Jimin was staring at him the whole time yet now that they made eye contact he didn't want to look away. He gulped realizing what was going on and quickly leaned back in his chair until his back hit the cushion. Jimin even looked down embarrassed, biting his bottom lip knowing they couldn't do what he wanted to do and what he wanted to do was be close to the older.

« S-so breakfast is in a couple minutes and I will go grab you a plate. » Yoongi broke the silence looking up to see Jimin gripping onto the bed sheets hard enough to turn his knuckles white. He forgot about having to eat for the last 5 minutes.  

Jimin's breathing sped up and Yoongi noticed how Jimin started to panic a little bit. This wasn't what Yoongi expected at all but he knew he needed to stay calm for him.

« I t-took in a-alot of calories yesterday p-please don't make me e-eat. » Jimin's eyes started to water as his heart started racing and he started to go into a panic. It was like his body didn't know what to do, he heard the word food and his body just panicked.  

« Shhh calm down I'll be here with you, you don't need to worry. » Yoongi tried to calm down the younger, he scooted his chair closer to Jimin's bed so he could calm down the younger. 

« D-don't make me please. » With tears now falling from his eyes he looked down to the side where Yoongi was sitting on his chair. He noticed there was no fear in the older's eyes which was strange to him. Every time he showed signs of a panic attack everyone around him got scared and left him alone but that wasn't the case with Yoongi.  

« I'm going to be right here with you, I won't force you to do anything but I need you to take a deep breath and try. » He tried to soothe the younger but it didn't seem to work, he hated seeing Jimin like this and it seemed like there was nothing he could do about it.

« I'll hold your hand, I'll even eat with you if you want. » As a staff member he wasn't allowed to share food or even help a patient eat but since they would be staying in Jimin's room no one would know about it, and he wanted to know he wasn't in this alone.

« e-eat with me? » Jimin wiped his cheeks to get rid of the tears streaming down, he hated how nice Yoongi was being towards him because no one ever really was nice to him at all. He had Min-Ju but his heart fluttered by Yoongi's words which never happened with Min-Ju.

« Yes because we're in this together right? » Yoongi smiled reaching over to grab Jimin's small hand but he retracted his hand quickly afraid that Jimin wouldn't like it but he was so wrong.

« Yes. » He mumbled looking down at Yoongi's hands which were clasped on his lap away from his view oh how he wished to hold the older's hand. 

« Now let me go get the food, I'll be back in ten minutes and trust me you can do this. I believe in you. » His words did something to the younger's heart, he felt his heart flutter in his chest once Yoongi stood up. It was like he didn't want him to leave, he almost reached out for him but he knew that wasn't the right moment.

All Jimin did was nod his head and allowed the older to walk to the door watching him the whole way. He was still breathing heavy and his breathing was still fast knowing he was going to have to consume things. What made him not go into a full panic attack was knowing Yoongi was going to be there for him, he didn't believe Yoongi when he said that because that's what his mother told him.

His mother told he right when he got diagnosed his mother was there for him for the first 2 times he went to the hospital but once she found out he wasn't getting better then she stopped going. He would pass out in school but when the school called her she would just say she was coming to get him then would bring him home. She never told him that she was there for him he felt like she was annoyed more than anything. That was one of the reasons she wanted him out of the house right when he turned 18 she didn't want to be responsible when he would pass out or be admitted into hospitals that's why his aunt came into his life.

Maybe that was why he couldn't calm down, because he thought after a couple days Yoongi would go back to his job and forget all about him. He hated his trust issues just as much as he hated his mother for leaving him all alone. He wasn't stable to live on his own yet he was forced out, without a job to pay for the apartment. 

Yet Jimin didn't know Yoongi was in this for the long run, he was there for him no matter what happened.

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