«157» A month to go

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« Alright so we have just a month to plan everything, we have the location and the guest list. » Ha-na was flipping through and finding her checklist. This was when Jimin was getting nervous, he is getting married next month not only that but he will have to see his mom again which was something he was excited for but he was also extremely overwhelmed with everything.

« We can use the cartier we had for our wedding and then we need to get you guys some outfits, we need a cake. So we still have a lot to plan and we're going to need to spend these weeks working on them since we don't have that much time. » Jimin was scared because they still had so much to do and less than a month to do it, it was hard to plan a wedding as it is and their wedding was already so soon.

Yoongi saw how nervous Jimin was but he was also a little nervous, he rubbed his fiancé's back to calm him a little. Jimin was dizzy, his hearing was going in and out and he couldn't focus on anything. He knew he was going to pass out and Yoongi knew he was going to pass out as well so he had to do something and get Jimin to calm down a little before they could continue.

« Can we take a break? » Yoongi asked quickly when he noticed the way Jimin was trying to stay conscious. Ha-na just nodded finally seeing how pale Jimin was which worried her but she let the two go off into the kitchen.

« Let's go get you some water. » Ha-na kind of felt bad as he watched Yoongi help him up and they both watched towards the kitchen. She knew this was a lot of stress to put on the two of them but since their wedding was so close she needed to hurry up with some things.

« Just take a deep breath, everything will be okay. » Yoongi got a glass and got some ice water for Jimin. He handed the glass over to him where Jimin just started to drink the liquid quickly.

« Do you need to sit down or anything? I know this is a lot so I don't want you to panic. » He was worried because Jimin stressed so much and he didn't want Jimin to be so stressed that he passed out.

« I'm fine, I just need to breathe a lot. We are getting married and there's so much we need to do and I don't think we can do everything in a month. » He started to breathe a little heavy as he thought about it again but Yoongi was there to bring him in his arms, he took the glass out of Jimin's hands before bringing him in for a tight hug.

« Listen I will get married to you wearing these clothes, I will marry you if our wedding cake is a birthday cake from the store, I will literally marry you if we have to go eat at Mcdonalds after. » Yoongi didn't want a fancy wedding he would get married to Jimin no matter what and he doesn't give a shit because at the end of the day he was getting married to his true love so it didn't matter to him.

« Really? I just thought. »

« We are getting married no matter what okay? We don't need anything fancy. I just need you and someone to marry us and I need to say 'i do' and kiss the living shit out of you. » Jimin couldn't help but blush because he felt so loved and Yoongi always made him feel this way and that really made him blush hard.

« I know you're stressing because you want this to be a good wedding but it doesn't matter because we'll be together. » He was right and Jimin knew that, he didn't even want a huge wedding so why was he worrying so much? All he needed was Yoongi and him to officially be married and that was it, he thinks he's nervous because his mom is coming and he wants the wedding to be nice.

« You're right, I'm sorry. » Jimin leaned in and just wrapped his arms around the older, Yoongi didn't like when he apologized all the time however he just didn't say anything and pulled Jimin close to his body.

« And we can have fun, we get to go cake tasting and buy clothes, it won't be stressful, we can make it fun. » Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead. This really made Jimin a blushy mess and the only thing he was able to do was nod his head against the older's chest.

« Now let's go do this. » Jimin nodded at Yoongi's words and followed him out to the dining room table where Ha-na was writing lists and flipping through some pages. It was obvious to tell that Ha-na loved making lists because she was using highlighters and a whole lot of colored pens.

« Ah okay so I wrote out some nice cake places and I can set up times for cake tasting so you can easily make a choice, I also have places for you two to rent suits or whatever you wanna wear, you can wear a dress and if you want to then I can find some wedding dress places. » She was kind of ranting and when she looked up she giggled at how confused and lost Yoongi and Jimin were.

« Wow you're so organized. » Jimin grabbed the paper and looked at how neat the handwriting was and how color coded everything was and he was grateful that she mentioned dresses, he didn't want to wear a wedding dress but he did want something a little more feminine so he knew she could help him with that.

« Well my wife always tells me that I'm always organized and she loves me for it so I guess there's a plus. » She smiles watching the couple in front of her looking down at the list she made analyzing everything they will need to do before their wedding.

« oh and that is her now, she's here to pick me up. » Ha-na looked down at her phone seeing her wife had texted and this made her get up grabbing her bag.

« So you guys look over those options and if you need any more help then let me know and I can help with anything you need. » Yoongi got up and nodded giving her a hug, Jimin didn't because he was still a little uncomfortable and Ha-na understood that so she didn't press him on it and she left.

The two looked over the list and this was when Jimin shared his idea of having a more feminie outfit for the wedding because he just thought he would like it better. Yoongi accepts his decision and would love to see Jimin in something cute and dainty, not a dress but something really nice. In just a month they would be calling each other husbands and that was just a crazy idea to the both of them.

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