«144» What if

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Yoongi was getting ready for bed when his phone rang, he was in the bathroom and he heard his phone which was in the living room. Jimin was already tucked in bed with the light off so he quickly went into the living room to see who it was so he wouldn't disturb Jimin who was trying to fall asleep. He saw the caller id and answered the call fast.

« Hey Ha-na. » His voice sounded really tired, he was about to lay in bed when his phone rang so his voice was rough and deep startling Ha-na just a little because she has never heard that tone from him.

« Hi I'm so sorry I'm calling this late but I just wanted to let you know I have a time and date for the viewing. I need to know if you can on Saturday at noon? I can call and try to get another day if it's a problem. » Yoongi rubbed his eye as he heard Ha-na, she sounded awake and he could even hear paper rustling on the other line meaning she was still doing work.

« Uh yeah okay we can do that it's just Jimin has something at 9 and that might take an hour or two. » He didn't want to tell her that Jimin had therapy because that would upset Jimin but he was thankful that Jimin wanted to schedule his session earlier this week than the other times he went, it worked out.

« Alright so I'll let him know that the time he gave would be perfect. » He could tell she was smiling through the phone and that made him smile as well because he was excited to go see the house, the house that they might spend a big chuck of their future in.

« Thank you for doing this, I have been busy with Jimin and I appreciate it. » He felt bad that she was up kind of late since they had work the next day and they had the morning shifts but she didn't seem fazed.

« Don't worry about it, I had to catch up on some paperwork and it acted as my little break so don't worry about it. » She wrote down the time and address of the house to give to Yoongi when she sees him next.

« I'll go tell Jimin, and hey don't stay up too late Jimin hates when I work on paperwork late and I know Su-ji must hate going to bed without her wife. » Jimin hated falling asleep alone and was just warning Ha-na because they were married and Su-ji wouldn't want to be alone in the bed at night but he assumed she knew this already.

« I won't and you should then go to Jimin huh? I'll see you tomorrow. » Ha-na smiled and shook her head, she knew he was looking out for her and that made her feel happy. She wasn't close to her brother as she wanted to be and Yoongi was almost acting like that, protecting her and making sure her marriage is okay. That's all she wanted in her brother and was so glad Yoongi took that position.

« Alright have a good night. » They said their goodbyes and Yoongi plugged in his phone before going back into the bedroom so he could finally go to sleep.

Jimin was laying on his side with his eyes closed making Yoongi assume he was asleep. He climbed under the covers, wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and pulled him closer so Jimin could rest his head on Yoongi's chest.

« Who was that? » Jimin asked with a sleepy voice, eyes still closed. Yoongi found that so cute but he just kissed Jimin's forehead before answering.

« That was Ha-na we got a time to view the house. » He kept his voice low to not startle Jimin since he was trying to fall asleep. Jimin hummed at his statement feeling a warm sensation course through his body.

« That's good. » He mumbled against Yoongi's chest, he moved a little to tangle their legs together.

« I'm excited. » That was the last thing Jimin said before drifting off to sleep. Of course Yoongi was so excited, to start this new beginning with the love of his life but he couldn't help but feel nervous the closer this future got.

It took him a long while to fall asleep after Jimin because he kept thinking about "what ifs". What if they move into a house together and Jimin starts questioning their relationship. He knew that was stupid, he knew Jimin was in love with him like he was in love with Jimin but again he couldn't stop thinking. Also what if they do get a dog and it's too much of a responsibility, what if they couldn't take care of the dog meaning they couldn't have children. He also couldn't stop thinking about Jimin and his art path he was going to be taking, what if that was too much for him and he gets stressed, what if he couldn't handle it anymore.

He finally fell asleep two hours before his alarm clock rang just ruining the rest of the day for him.

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