Girlfriend or boyfriend?

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After getting out of class gulf, mild and champ followed him and stopped him at the corridor.

"Hey hey hold up dude. What's going on?" champ said stopping gulf.

Gulf was just trying really hard to calm down, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and cooled himself down "nothing is going on. Let's go to cafeteria I am hungry let's eat. Treat is on me."

Then gulf drag mild and champ towards cafeteria. They tried to talk but gulf kept on going. After reaching in cafeteria. Gulf spotted mew and his friends eating he just went there.

"Hey, how are you guys? Can we join?" gulf said.

Mew looked at him confused it's the first time gulf came to him. he was feeling happy what the look on gulf's face was making him confused. To him gulf looked like faking his happy mood. But he decided to ignore it as it was the first time gulf was here for him.

They ordered food and joined them.

"Hey, are you okay?" mew whispered to gulf.

Gulf looked at him confused "what? I am fine".

Mild and champ eyed gulf the whole time. 'So, he is shutting us up with food and making us sit with mew.' mild thought to himself. Just then someone approached there table and hugged gulf from back.

"gulffff... I was looking all over for you"

Seeing this everyone got stunned except for one person who was furious seeing a girl hugging gulf.

Gulf shook her off and stood up "what are you doing? Stay away from me".

Lisa took gulf's hand "gulf why are you being like this? Just talk to me."

Gulf is now furious again he was about to shook off her hand when mew barged in and slapped her hand off him. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Who are you? I am talking to gulf not you so can you just step aside?" lisa said coldly.

"I can see he doesn't want to talk to you so take your bitchy ass out of here." Mew said furiously.

Lisa backed off a bit in fear but she decided to not to give up she step forward "I am here to talk to gulf not you and who are you to decide, who he can talk and not to talk to?"

Mew was getting angry seeing this cocky girl in front of him and insisting on talking to his gulf. "I can decide that because I am his boyfriend."

Hearing that everyone's went wide eyes. Even gulf got shocked by mew's words. But lisa chuckled instead making mew more angry.

"i am his girlfriend" lisa said cockily.

Mew fisted his hand in anger gulf saw that, he knew he need to do something else mew is going to do something bad to her. Gulf come forward. "I'll handle this" then He took Lisa's hand and dragged her out of there. Mew got more furious he just turned around and slammed his hand on table angrily, making everyone jump in fear. They have become the center of attention in the whole cafeteria, everyone were looking at them.


Gulf dragged lisa out of cafeteria and took her to an empty classroom and closed the door behind.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" gulf asked her angrily

"I am here for you. You don't know how much I searched for you." lisa said in soft tone.

"You are really something. After all the things you have done to me, you really have guts to come in front of Me." gulf said.

Lisa took gulf's hand in hers "gulf I know what happened in past was my mistake but I was not all me. And you never listened to my reasons" lisa got teary eyes.

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