Chapter : 4 "Wha Happen?" Part 2. Electric Boogaloo.

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Wow. I didn't expect people to actually like this story. Especially since I have no idea what I'm doing. But I really appreciate the support and I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

Also strap on in cause this is a lengthy one. Sorry, it was hard to find the cut off point.





(Y/N) P.O.V (In Japanese).

'Yep. There was definitely a party over here yesterday.'

As we neared the Hololive building. I could see the remains of an epic party. Many cans and bottles of alcohol lay discarded on the floor, I see a scorched pile of what looks to be the remains of a sofa, there are some tire marks on the road. And by some, I mean A lot! It seems like somebody had done a bunch of drifts and doughnuts here then the tire marks leave the parking. Or maybe it entered with a drift and then did a bunch of doughnuts...? I dunno. 

"Wait...Is that...?" I see something familiar in pieces next to the building. 

Suisei : "What's wrong?" She notices I deviated from the group and they follow me. I crouch down next to something that has smashed circuitry and a broken screen. I recognize the cover on the back.

Coco : "What is that?" She sees the device in front of me while looking over my shoulder.

" my phone." I pick it up to get a closer look.

"Well, was my phone anyways." It just falls apart and lands on the ground in shambles.

Coco : "Oh, sorry to see that." She says with sympathy.

"Nah, its cool. No use crying over spilled milk." I begin to pick up the remains of it. Which was kind of tedious as it was in multiple pieces.

'Well, Anna's not going to solve this mystery for me. Guess I'm playing detective today.' As I'm picking up the pieces, something clicks in my mind.

"How did it end up in this state? If I just dropped it then only the screen would have been cracked. But this? This is completely destroyed" I ask out loud.

Coco : "Hmmmm...What if it was deliberately smashed? Like if somebody were to stomp on it over and over and over and over and over again." She suggests.

'That is a possibility. No matter how drunk I was, I wouldn't smash my phone like this. Especially now that I know its useless to destroy Anna. Heck even when I did destroy my phones it was never this bad! This leaves only one option...'

"If somebody took the time to destroy my phone to this extent, then that means during my time here...I've made an enemy...And a strong one.... maybe even one who would steal my car as a way to get back at me..." I take my phone and put it in a nearby trashcan.

Coco : "*Gasp!* But who would do such a thing?" 

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." I then take a look at them as I'm walking back.

"Okay, just to clear it up. Ya'll didn't see my car during the car park party yesterday?" All three of them shake their heads no.

Suisei : "The area was cleared out so that we could hold the party. No cars were allowed to come in."

'Then why is there tire marks here?'

Kanata : "Uhhh Guys? Not to ruin the whole mood or anything...but we're kinda going to be late for streaming." She says trying to hurry us up and pushes us through the door.

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