Chapter 11 : Idol Infiltration

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Help! I seemed to have misplaced my glasses! I can't see without my glasses and I can't find my glasses because I can't see!




Also there's a cameo character in here. Don't think too much of it.

Let's see if you can guess who it is before they show up. I've left some clues somewhere before they do. Comment where the hint is and who you think it is.


Noel : "One last chance!" She shouts out to the hooded girl. Having to raise her voice due to the attack's of her friends charging up. Trying to negotiate with her. 

The girl just huffs and puffs while staring daggers at the knight. Refusing to talk. 

Noel : "Just tell us who sent you and who you're after!" She says trying to interrogate her. The girl just continues staring at her with murderous eyes. Staying silent the whole time. The other idols just watching in awe.

Subaru : "Ne.... I sometimes forget that I'm working with magical beings...." She said as she watched in awe.

Luna : "How.....? " She said perplexed at the duc-Subaru.

Flare : "Guys. Isn't this a bit much?" She said with unease as she saw the amount of force the girls are using.

Noel : "Flare-chan, you see that hole there?" She said pointing to the gigantic gorge that was in the middle of the stadium floor. Flare looked over at it.

 Noel : "Yeah. She survived the attack that caused it without a scratch. This isn't much at all."

Flare : "But she's just a kid!"

Roboco : "She's also one of the most notorious assassins with a confirmed body count well above four digits."

Noel : "If we let her go now, she'll just come back later and even more prepared. Assassins are relentless like that!"

Flare : "How is killing her gonna help!?" She shouted as she pointed at the highly deadly attacks being charged right now.

Towa : "I have to admit. Killing her does seem counter-productive if you're trying to get information out of her..." She says as her charging seemed to have slowed down a little.

Noel : "I got Rushia-chan's number right here if you're that uncomfortable with it." She said as showed Towa her phone before putting it back in her pocket.

Towa : "Ah, makes sense." As her charging went back to normal speed.

Noel : "Its also to show that we mean business. Its us or her!"

Roboco : "Not to mention if we let her go she'll still carry on with her line of work. Terminating her here and now could save multiple future victims."

Flare : "You don't know that! She could change her life after this!"

Shion : "As far as I'm concerned. She deserves this."

Flare : "Or we could you know, show her mercy perhaps?" She tried bargaining.

Noel : "Last time we tried that she almost killed you and brutally wounded Roboco-san." She argues back.

Shion : "The fuck's a mercy anyways?" She asked in confusion.

Korone : "Oh! Can I have her fingers if she surviv-"

Aloe : "Would you hurry it up! I.....Can't keep this up much longer!" She shouted with strain to her fellow idols while she kept flowing her magic into the entrapment spell. 

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