This Is When The Feeling Sinks In

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A/N: Hey! So i usually don't post on these chapters, but this is just a really quick one, i promise. I just wanted to apologize for being gone for so so so long from updating. Long story short, i'm a second semester senior and i'm really good at procrastinating. I honesty don't know if updates will be back to regular soon, it just depends  on how much time i have/ideas i have/motivation to write when i could be sleeping. Lol, that is all. I hope you are all still enjoying this ff, if not, I can just end it now, but i'd really like to stick with it. Enjoy!

Nikki's POV:

The rest of the car drive home is a blur. Actually, the rest of the day was a blur. The next thing I remember was waking up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm telling me to get up because I was going to be late for school.

I reluctantly rolled out of bed, feeling emotionally fatigued, but knowing I had to get up sooner or later.

My morning routine was exactly that: routine. Everything was perfectly normal, and I began to forget that the past 24 hours ever even happened...until I arrived at school.

I didn't even notice the crowds of people gathered in front of the entrance to the school until I tugged the earbuds out of my ear and pulled my gaze up from my phone.

"There she is!" I heard someone whisper-shout. And before I could figure out who had said those words, more paparazzi and reporters than I could count were rushing over to me and shoving cameras in my face.

Immediately, the questions came pouring out of their mouths, directed at me, as they flashed pictures. I shoved my way impatiently through them, shielding my face from the camera lenses.

I finally reached the front door, with the reporters trailing right behind me. I don't think i've ever been happier to see my friends than that moment when they appeared out of nowhere. Samantha grabbed my arm and pulled open the door, swiftly leading me inside, while Ashley turned toward the cameras.

As we left them in the distance, I heard her answering their questions, telling them various things including, "I'm her best friend." "We've known eachother since middle school." "I'm not sure what the deal is with her and Ross Lynch." I could just picture her flipping her hair and placing a hand on her hip, smoothly adding, "But I'm single."

I had to admit, she was really great at dealing with things like this. Even if it was just for attention, I was glad that she was there to handle something that I didn't know how to.


The day couldnt've dragged on more slowly. At least one person in each of my classes asked me either about Ross, the press, or the magazine that they must've seen with me on the cover.

 I tried brushing it off casually, but it was harder than you would think to come up with a response that wasn't a lie, but wasn't making our relationship known to my classmates.

For lunch, I figured I better not take my chances of going off campus and running into any more reporters, so I made my way to the cafeteria instead. Across the room, Samantha waved to me, gesturing for me to sit with her and Ashley. I didn't take a second look at the line for food. I wasn't hungry anyway.

"Hey guys," I sighed as I took a seat across from my friends.

"Hey..." Ashley began. She looked down at the table nervously. This wasn't like her. She looked...regretful? Ashamed?

"Ash?" I questioned. "What's up with you?" I couldn't even imagine what could be bothering her on a day like today. She should be ecstatic that she will soon be all over the news.

"Ashley may have said something to those reporters that she probably shouldn't have..." Samantha began for her.

 I slowly let out a breath, saying a quick prayer that this wasn't as bad as they were making it seem. "Ashley, what exactly did you say?" I directed my attention towards her, keeping my voice even and low, determined not to lose my temper before I knew what was going on.

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