You're Gone and I'm Haunted

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A/N: Extra long chapter since I've been gone so long. Enjoy and continue to let me know if you want me to keep writing this book or work on something else. But without any feedback, it's hard to know if y'all actually are still wanting to read this. Hope everyone is having a good holiday and good luck on finals!

Nikki's POV:

It was around 12:30 by  the time we got back to my house. I knew my  parents were both asleep,  so we sneaked in the front door and into my  room as quietly as  possible. He'd never been to my house before, and to  tell you the  truth, I felt kind of weird about it all. I'd never had a  guy in my  house before, let alone my room.

But he walked around  slowly, observing old pictures and random little  trinkets I'd  accumulated throughout the years. I went to my dresser and  changed out  of my prom dress, into pajama shorts and a  t-shirt. I  felt self conscious of him seeing me change, but reminded  myself that he'd seen it all before. I felt my heart race and a smile  pull at my  lips from the memory. That felt like years ago.

I slid onto my bed as he  finished taking in my room. He stuffed his  hands in his pants pockets.  "It's exactly how I pictured it." He sat  down across from me on my  bed.

I felt my cheeks immediately blush. "You've pictured my room before?"

He looked down at my  hand then took it in his. He placed his palm  against mine, as if  measuring the size of it. He brought his soft eyes  to mine but it seemed  like his mind was elsewhere. "Of course I have."

I smiled and he looked  back to our hands, entwining our fingers then  kissing the top of my  hand gently. I scooted closer to him, tracing my  thumb across his  cheek. Our eyes searched eachother's until I spoke the  words I couldn't stop thinking. "I love you, Ross." I shook my head.  "I don't know  how it happened, but I've fallen for you so fast."

I felt a chill run  through my body, partially  because of what the words  meant, and partially because of the breeze  coming from my open window.

"Nik," he slipped his  hand from mine and slid off his tux jacket.  "It's hard to believe it's  just been months with you. I feel like I've  known you for years." He  draped it around my shoulders as he spoke. It  felt warm and familiar  and his scent lingered on the collar. It felt  like home. "I've never  felt for anyone what you have made me feel." He  replaced his hand in  mine and his eyes never left mine. No blink, no hesitation.  "I can't live without you. I hope you know that you are my world."

He wasn't messing  around-this could possibly be the most serious I've  ever seen him. I'd  never been more certain of what he was feeling and I was so touched that he would say those words. I  nodded, but before I  could say anything, he brought his hands lightly to  either side of my  face and kissed me gently on the lips then pulling away. 

I felt sparks when his lips met mine. I longed for more. I kissed him softly. And he kissed me back. It was full of passion and hurry, like we didn't have much time left together.

My hand went to his neck and I started loosening his tie as our kisses got quicker and more intense.

His hands remained on either of my cheeks as I began unbuttoning the top buttons of his dress shirt. He slowly, seeming reluctantly, ended the kiss and grabbed my wrist.

"What's wrong?" I gave him a confused look.

He shook his head slowly. "Nothing." He rested his forehead against mine. "You should get some sleep."

"Ok," I said, slightly disappointed that he didn't want to do anything tonight, but I could already feel the tiredness setting in. "You're staying, right?" I brought my eyes to his.

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