Busy Streets, Busy Lives

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A/N: Ok, 2 things superrr quick:

1. Again, I'm sorry this took so long. But senior year just ended and I'm on summer vacation, so updates should be more regular soon. I hope you continue reading because I'm really excited to keep writing it for you all. Thanks for your patience.

2. This chapter is dedicated to rydelrussettcabello because she was the one that came up with the ship name for Ross and Nikki. Thank you, again! I hope it's ok that I used it in this chapter and future ones! :)

Enjoy and please let me know what you think <3

Nikki's POV:

The campus was amazing. Gorgeous. Like something I could only dream about. I know that some people wouldn't describe NYU like this, but for me, it was perfect.

I had just finished touring the campus and dorms and I was standing at the front entrance, taking one final look at the school before I left. I closed my eyes, burning the picture of the beautiful towering buildings in front of me into my mind so I could remember it.

I felt the cool January air softly whipping at my hair, and heard the noisy city at work behind me. I loved it. Every part of it. I couldn't resist the smile that crept onto my face.

I continued standing there, eyes closed, taking it in.

"Beautiful sight, huh?" I heard from behind me.

Still overwhelmed by my own thoughts, in my own world, I didn't give it a second thought. "Yeah," I sighed sadly at the thought of even having to leave this city and go back home.

I heard a chuckle from behind me. "I was talking about you."

I brought myself out of my daydream and into reality, quickly recognizing the voice. I turned to see Ross, clad in a jean jacket and black jeans, leaning against a tree, hands stuffed in his pockets.

A wide smile appeared on our faces simultaneously as we closed the few feet between us and I was in his arms. His strong arms wrapped around me in a warm hug and he effortlessly lifted me up so my toes just barely lifted off the ground.

I buried my face in the fur of his collar and breathed in the familiar scent of his cologne. "You're here," I breathed, "I thought we were going to meet later tonight in Manhattan," I said with a question in my voice.

We reluctantly pulled out of a hug. "I couldn't wait until then," he replied, a smirk on his face. "Plus, I wanted to see this school you've been talking about," he gestured to the buildings behind me-the ones that I had previously been staring at during my daydream.

"Well..."I prompted, "what do you think?" I eagerly asked.

"I think it's beautiful...but," he pretended to be making a hard decision as a smile crept onto his face, "not as beautiful as you."

I rolled my eyes, although I was actually flattered, as he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground once again.

"God, I missed you," he whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too," I whispered back. In that moment, though, all I could think about was how hard it would be when we would be separated for longer periods of time. It would only get harder than this...


We wandered around the city for the remainder of the daylight hours, taking in the life around us: the people, the buildings, the atmosphere. It was so overwhelming but in the best way.

Mosaic Broken Hearts-A Ross Lynch StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin