can we go back to the start

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Nikki's POV:

Two days later, Ashley was dropping me off at the airport for my flight to Orlando, Florida. I told her everything that had happened on the way there. I started from how torn up I've been about the breakup, to which she sympathetically replied saying that she wasn't surprised considering how distant I'd been over the past month and a half. By the time she pulled up to the drop off area, I had recounted my phone conversation with Rydel and the options that I weighed in my head before ultimately deciding that there was no way I could go on without trying to see him.

She leaned over and hugged me in that awkward space between the front seats. "I can tell you still have doubts about even going," she said softly in my ear. I exhaled deeply, nervously. "But I know that whatever comes of this, it will be for the best." She pulled away and looked at me. "You're doing the right thing."

I nodded. "Thanks, Ash." I gave her half a smile. "I needed to hear that."

I grabbed my small duffel bag and headed toward the airport entrance. "Good luck!" I heard her call after me as I walked through the doors.

Luck wasn't on my side, though, when I found out just minutes later that my flight was delayed for at least an hour. I sunk down in a hard seat at my designated gate and closed my eyes and the doubts started to flood my thoughts again. But I put in my earphones and drowned out the voice in my head that told me this was all wrong.

I'd second guessed my thoughts too many times. I needed to follow my heart.


5 dreadfully long hours later, the plane landed in Orlando. I glanced at my watch as I impatiently waited for the passengers in front of me to make their way off the plane. It read 9:09 p.m. Considering the time change and the delay, I wasn't surprised that the concert had already started.

I still had time, though, I told myself. Now that I had come all this way, I wouldn't let it be wasted. I had to see him before he left and was on the road again to a new city.

Twenty minutes later I was getting in a cab and telling the driver my destination: the Walt Disney Theater. He said it would be twenty minutes, not accounting for traffic. I sighed internally, not only worried about getting there before it was over, but also starting to get anxious about seeing him.

Exactly 32 minutes later, the cab pulled up to the venue and I gave the driver two $20 bills, quickly mumbling, "keep the change."

I presented the concert ticket to one of the workers, who gave me  a strange look. She was probably wondering who would come to a concert just for the end of the show. But I also watched her take in my anxious demeanor and the duffel bag hanging on my arm, silently asking but not getting an answer from me. Nevertheless, she scanned my ticket and let me through.

The intro to "Stay With Me" had started by the time I got inside and found my seat, which was about 6 rows from the front directly in the middle. I had a feeling Rydel chose that seat on purpose.

Rocky sang the intro then the lights were on Ross. He looked exactly the same as the last time I saw him months ago. It gave me a sense of comfort, but just the sight of him sent my heart racing. For 6 weeks the person I'd been missing so desperately was right in front of me.

"Say can you read between the lines I'm singin'

threw away the only chance I had with you"

As he sang, I watched his eyes wander the crowd like he always does during shows. And, like a scene from a movie, his eyes caught on mine. I saw them flick away before it processed and he looked back. A look of disbelief crossed his face, then confusion. But he kept singing, eyes still locked on mine. 

Mosaic Broken Hearts-A Ross Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now