Hope Is The Thing

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The energy in the room was insane. The crowd was jumping in sync, shouting the words back as he sang them. I held my arm out signing, "Na na na, na na na-na," I closed my eyes and felt the music surrounding every part of my body.

All of a sudden I felt a hand wrap around mine. Warm and comforting. I opened my eyes to see Ross kneeled down on the edge of the stage, his arm outstretched to reach mine. He looked into my eyes and sang the final, "I'm lookin for the one tonight."

My gaze locked on his for what felt like forever. And when he pulled his hand away when the song ended, I felt a thin triangular object in the palm of my hand. I opened my fingers, hand trembling, to see one of Ross's guitar picks. I stared down in disbelief, wondering what, if anything, he meant by this.

By the time they took their bows and people began filing out of the venue, I had brushed it off. I'm sure he did that to a lot of girls-made them feel special with such a small gesture. I walked around the side of the building, beginning the long trek to the bus station to get back home.

I was in the middle of downtown San Diego. I knew that it wasn't a very safe neigborhood, so I folded my arms across my chest and picked up my pace.

All of a sudden, a metal door on the side of the building swung open in front of me, missing my face by an inch, but managing to knock me off balance.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I felt a strong grip on my upper arm, holding me upright, and heard a familiar voice in my ear.

"It's alright, don't worry about it," I managed to say as I gained my coordination back. I spun around to see the face that matched the voice.

I was caught off guard even though I was 100% sure i knew who it was just by his voice. "Ross."

I saw a thin smile begin to spread across his lips and his dimples appear. "It's you," he whispered.

"It's me?" I asked, confused.

"I mean..." he trailed off, "It's you," he repeated himself.

I giggled. "Yeah, we covered that."

The rest of the band exited through the same door, giving me a quick wave or saying 'hi,' as they carried a bunch of equipment to their bus parked across the street.

I turned back to Ross. "Well I better get going," I gave him half a smile.

I began to walk past him, but only made it a few strides away before I was stopped by his voice calling after me, "Hey, wait."

I smiled before turning back to face him.

"Are you doing anything right now?" he didn't wait for an answer before asking, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"I'd like that," I replied.

10 minutes later we were walking through the city, wich was illuminated beautifully by all the lights.

"So what about you?" he asked after a while of us talking about his family and tour life.

"What about me?" I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jeans and looked nervously at the ground.

"Anything. Everything," he looked like he was considering something for a minute before saying, " I want to know everything," He said enthusiastically.

I stopped in my tracks. "You do?" I asked incredulously.

He looked at me, confused, "Of course I do."

I shrugged. "Alright. Well. It may take a while." I said sarcastically. "I live a very interesting life."

He smiled and waited for me to continue.

Mosaic Broken Hearts-A Ross Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now