Show Me How To Fight For Now

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Nikki's POV:

After a long and tiring day at school the next day, my friends kidnapped me on the way home. Ashley pulled up to the sidewalk where I was walking, with Samantha in the passenger seat, and told me to get in the car. I tried protesting, but they wouldn't have it. They insisted.

Ash and I had mended bridges over the past few weeks. I forgave her for telling the world all those personal details about my love life and we went on like nothing ever happened.

I was emotionally drained today. Exhausted, actually. I had spent the entire day yesterday crying and thinking and wondering if this was all actually happening: if my parents were getting divorced, if half the U.S knew who I was and hated me for it, and if Ross was still thousands of miles away.

The one that weighed the most heavily on my mind, though, was my parents. It was all I could think about today in school. I felt myself zoning out in all my classes and being very absent with my friends at lunch. I knew that they knew something was going on, but I didn't want to talk to them about it. I was afraid I would start crying again. And I didn't want them to see me cry.

Ash drove for 20 minutes in silence. I stopped asking where we were going because it didn't matter to me. I was too depressed to care anymore.

But I grew even more confused when we arrived at our destination. Guys, why are we here?" I asked as we pulled up to San Diego International Airport.

"C'mon," they dragged me out of the car and through the parking lot. "We have a surprise for you," they replied in singsongy voices.

"I'm really not in the mood for surprises," I said, voice sounding fatigued. My legs felt like weights beneath me. It took all my energy to walk normally.

"Yeah, lately you haven't been in the mood for anything," Ash replied as we walked though the doors and headed for a terminal where passengers were coming off a plane that had just landed. "Which is why we're here."

"How is this going to make it bet-" I cut myself off because the next person that came around the corner was one I was coming to know all too well. Ross.

"Oh my God," I turned to my friends, mood instantly changed. "How'd you?" I gestured to my boyfriend.

"As much as we'd like to take credit for this," Sam answered, "We didn't do a thing. He contacted us."

I hugged them anyway, taking them both by surprise. I normally wasn't very touchy-feely towards my friends.

They shooed me away, gesturing for me to go to him. So I did. I was so shocked that my legs were weak and shaky. I couldn't run, but the distance between us was closed soon enough and I was in his arms.

"I can't believe you're here," I whispered into his chest.

"I had to see you," he pulled away so he could look me over, as if making sure I was still alive. He frantically tried wiping the dried mascara out from under my tear stained eyes then gripped my arms, his embrace strong.

"Ross, I still don't understand. What are you doing here?" I asked sympathetically. "You should be across the country right now."

"I know, I know." he glanced at his watch. "I'm boarding my flight back in an hour. But I had to come and see you in person." He lowered his voice so my friends, who were standing a few feet away, couldn't hear. "I know your friends don't know about your parents, so I could only imagine how alone you must feel."

I looked at my feet. He squeezed my shoulder and I looked up at him, my eyes filling with tears. "So talk to me," he said, "tell me what happened."

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