Can't Sleep

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Ross's POV:

I stepped into the bus as soon as Nikki had turned the corner and I could no longer smile after her. My happiness soon turned into worry, though, as I realized that I needed to find a way to figure out who she was so I could see her again.

I began pacing the narrow hallway of the bus, subconciously biting my thumbnail as I pondered. All of a sudden I had an idea. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and began violently typing out a tweet. My fingers moved as quickly as possible, finding the letters before my brain even knew what I was doing. 

It read:

"And sweetest in the Gale is heard

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm"

The second stanza of the poem that we recited together just a few minutes ago right outside. It was a poem that I had actually been quite fond of, but I'd never known anybody to share my interest in it.  Which was what surprised and impressed me the most when she started reciting it from memory, the words flowing so delicatley off her tounge.

I sat anxiously on the the edge of the couch next to me, waiting for a response. A few came in, saying: 

"That's pretty." 

"Where's that from?"

"Ross, did you write that?"

But I knew what her response would be. So I waited. And waited. So many scenarios ran through my mind. But the one that I feared the most was never seeing her again. I tapped my foot impatiently, starting to lose hope.

Until finally, 5 whole minutes after I sent the tweet, the one I was looking for appeared. I did a double take, not believing my eyes when I looked at the name of the user, matching the name of the girl I just met.

Her tweet read:

"I've heard it on the chillest land

And on the strangest sea

Yet never in extremity

It asked a crumb of me"

The 3rd stanza of the poem. I smiled, still in disbelief that it was so easy to find her. I went to her profile and composed a d.m. to her. "I guess I figured it out," I typed, referring to the conversation we had just before she left.

A few seconds later came a response. "I guess you did..."

I hesitated, thinking of something witty to say, then finally typed, "So, I don't know if you've heard, but I lost my jacket..."

"Really?" was all she replied with.

"Yeah. And, it's one of my favorites, so I really need to get that back." I wrote sarcastically, but in reality, I couldn't care less about my jacket.

"Hmmm...I don't know. You seem like a pretty busy person."

"It's a really important jacket," I wrote in code.

"Ahh, I see." After a minute another message came in. "What does your schedule look like?"

I smiled. "Tomorrow's our day off so we're spending it in SD. After that we're off to LA for our last CA show and a few day break and then the rest of the U.S. tour."

"Hmmm....interesting..." I knew she was waiting for me to ask her to come with.

So I did. "Do you want to make tomorrow your day off, too?" I asked, knowing tomorrow was a weekday and she had school. Then added, "I mean, we could really use a tour guide."

Mosaic Broken Hearts-A Ross Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now