Gory Meal (Yandere Beel x Gender Neutral Reader)

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[Graphic content ahead! Do not read if you're easily disturbed!]
[A/n: I swear, this chapter is going to be a mistake.]

You were eating lunch and you saw Beel looking intensely at his cheeseburger. For the past few days, Beel looked very tensed up. You didn't know why, so you went to talk to him. "Hey Beel," you said, "Are you okay? Is that cheeseburger being mean to you or something?"


He remained quiet. "Um, do you want to go to Hell's Kitchen tonight?" You asked.

Beel perked up and said, "Yeah!"

"It's a date then!" You said.

You picked up the book you were reading and continued to read it. It was about very dangerous spells. Continuing where you left off, you read, "The Bloodlust Curse: A very dangerous curse was created over a hundred years ago that makes the person under the spell crave gruesome things the more their lust and hunger grows."

Yikes. You looked at Beel and he was still staring at his burger. "He wouldn't eat gruesome things, would he?" You thought, "Well, as long as it's considered appetizing, it's not gruesome, right?"

[Later that evening]

"No dinner for you, Beel." Said Lucifer angrily.

"What?! Why?!" Asked Beel shocked.

"You ate everything in the fridge again."

"Actually, I just remembered. (Y/n) and I were going to go to Hell's Kitchen tonight."

"Well then, you're prohibited from going there this evening."

Beel's eyes widened. "I can't just tell them that I can't go now. It'll break their heart." He said.

"Well, if you won't tell them, I will." Said Lucifer.

"No." Said Beel angrily, switching to his demon form.


"I said no!" Yelled Beel pushing Lucifer to the ground.

"Beel, stop it! What's gotten into you?"

Beel pinned Lucifer to the ground and said angrily, "You just don't want me spending time with them, don't you?! Well if I can't go to dinner, then you'll be my dinner!"

Before Lucifer could react, Beel took a bite out of Lucifer's shoulder! Lucifer screamed in pain as Beel ate everything in that spot! Lucifer saw Beel's eyes glow brightly and thought, "The Bloodlust Curse...! They learned about that spell in class recently, didn't they?!"

Beel continued eating his brother until he was completely motionless. "He was very tasty, but my hunger isn't satisfied just yet..." thought Beel.

[One hour later]

You were listening to music as you were getting ready to go to Hell's Kitchen with Beel. You heard your door open, only for the smell of something metallic to hit your nose. But entering the room was Beel was in his demon form and soaked in blood! You screamed at the sight and cried, "What happened?!"

"Lucifer tried to prevent me from going to Hell's Kitchen with you since I ate everything in the fridge. But I don't want that taken away from me." Said Beel, "I just want to eat and spend time with you, that's all."

"So what did you do?" You asked worridly.

"Lucifer was tastier than anything I've ever had." He said.

"You ate him?!" You cried.

"It was the only way." He said, "Now, are we going?"

"No!" You cried, "Stay away from me!"

"You don't want to anymore?" Asked Beel.

His eyes darkened and he locked the door. "Beel...?" You asked shyly.


He charged towards you and pinned you to the ground! "Beel, don't do this!" You screamed.

"If I can't have you, no one will." He said quietly.

He then bit into your shoulder like he did to Lucifer! You screamed and cried in pain as he kept eating you. "Beel, don't do this! Don't give in! Be the adorable demon you're supposed to be!" You screamed.

"So be it..." he said.

He then bit into your chest! He started drinking the blood out, and you felt your soul getting sucked out of your body. "Beel, stop!" You screamed.

You saw the glowing in his eyes. He really is affected by the Bloodlust Curse! You tried to tell him, but it was too late. Your soul went down his throat and into his stomach. "Now we can go to Hell's Kitchen now." He said, "We'll never be apart now."

The glowing in his eyes faded, and he snapped back to reality, only to find your dead body in his arms! "(Y/n)?! Oh no, what have I done?!" Screamed Beel.

He suffered a massive breakdown, which ended up destroying your entire room. He felt your soul crying in his stomach, and he thought there was only one way to free your eaten soul. He ran out of your bedroom door, smashing it to the ground, and climbed to the roof of the House of Lamentation. He threw himself off the roof and crashed into the ground, taking his life. Unfortunately, it did not free your soul. So your soul rotted in his stomach until it was gone forever.

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