Mini Story: Memories White as Snow (Mc has Amnesia?!)

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You opened your eyes, only to be standing in the snowy woods. You wore a (f/c) dress, and overtop, you wore a cloak that went down to your ankles. You don't remember coming to this place, in fact...nothing seemed familiar to you. You walked through the woods, completely unaware, and looked around. You pulled down your hood, and looked behind you. saw a man with white hair, holding a wand, and a knife. He gave you a dangerous look at you, and seeing his threatening presence made you run. He then began to chase you, trying to blast you with spells from his wand. You ran through the thick snow as fast as you could to avoid getting blasted, but the brisk chill made it hard to focus. But then, the man threw the knife, which stabbed your shoulder! You collapsed to the ground in pain and tried to pull the knife out of you. But it was too painful to remove. Lying flat on the ground, the man put his foot on your stomach, making you gasp. "W-who are you?" You gasped.

Instead of answering your question, he just said, "You failed as my apprentice, so now...I have no use for you."

But then, you blacked out before you could see what happened next. The last thing you heard was someone yell, "(y/n)!"

[Time skip]

You opened your eyes, and saw you were in a warm bed. Where were you? You saw that your wounded shoulder was bandaged. Coming into your room were seven boys. "(Y/n)!" Gasped one with white hair and tan skin, "You're awake!"

"We thought maybe we'd lost you!" Said another with light carmel hair.

"I'm glad we were able to find you in time!" Said another with indigo hair.

"We saw you were in trouble, so we came to help." Said the boy with orange hair.

"I swear...if he ever cross our path again, he'll regret it!" Said a boy with navy blue hair with white streaks.

"Imagine what would have happened if we had gotten there later..." said a boy with blonde hair.

A man with black hair said, "Are you feeling alright?"

You looked at them confusingly. "Who are all of you?" You asked, "And why am I here?"

They all then had shocked looks on their faces. "(Y/n)..." said the black haired man, "You don't remember us?"

You know these boys? "Am I supposed to know you?" You asked.

"Yeah!" Said the light carmel haired boy, "I can't believe you'd forget us!"

"Let us reintroduce ourselves then." Said the black haired man, "My name is Lucifer."

"Lucifer?" You asked.

"The white haired one is called Mammon." Said Lucifer.

"That's the Great Mammon!" Said Mammon.

"The one with indigo hair is Leviathan. But we call him Levi." Lucifer continued.

Levi continued to give you a worried look on his face. "We still have games to play and you can't even remember?" He asked sadly.

"The blonde one is Satan." Said Lucifer.

Satan didn't say anything. "The one with carmel hair is Asmodeus, but we call him Asmo."

"Oh (y/n), you gotta remember how beautiful I am!" Said Asmo.

"The other two are Beelzebub and Belphegor, but we call them Beel and Belphie." Lucifer finished, "They're twins."

The twins looked very sad, and you couldn't help but feel bad for them. "Okay then..." you said, "Who am I exactly?"

"You don't know who you are either?" Asked Lucifer.

"No," you said, "but since you're all calling me (y/n), I guess my name is (y/n)?"

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