Mini Story: Lilith's Second Chance (Angst)

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Requested by: Hiinako_
[A/n: The pic above is kind of my headcannon design for Lilith, but it's not final. I mainly imagine her with that hair color.]

You have known the demon bros for a very long time, and it was sheer bliss being with them. However, as years went by, they were starting to act cold and distant, despite you being their master and having pacts with them, and most important of all: You were the distant descendent of their little sister Lilith. The bros weren't very active with you, and when you wanted to hang out with them, they always turned you down. You were feeling alone, and being Solomon's apprentice wasn't enough for you. While you were taking a break from spell casting, you came to Solomon and said, "Hey, when's the next time you're going to the Devildom?"

"Actually, I'm heading over there in a few hours. Did you want to come with me?" He asked.

"Yeah, there's something important that I want to do." You said.

"You want to visit the brothers, don't you?"

"'s something different."

"And what would that be?"

You paused then said, "I can't say yet."

"Oh, so a personal matter?"

You nodded and he said, "Alright, you can come."

[Time skip]

You arrived in the Devildom, and went straight to Lord Diavolo's castle. You were greeted by him and Barbatos and they let you in. "What brings you here to the Devildom, (y/n)?" Asked Diavolo.

"Actually..." You said, "I came to speak to Barbatos about something."

"What might that be?" Asked Barbatos.

"It's true you have the ability to go back in time, right? And that you can open up a portal to anywhere?" You asked.

"Yes." Answered Barbatos, "Why do you ask?"

"There's...something I've been wanting to do for the longest time..." You said.

"You want to go back in time again?" Asked Diavolo.

"Yes, but...I wanna go further back." You said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Barbatos.

You built up the courage to say this: "I want to go back in time and prevent Lilith from dying during the Celestial war!"

The two were in absolute shock. "(Y/n)," said Diavolo, "do you know what you'd be doing if you did that?!"

"The young Lord is right." Said Barbatos, "If you go back and save her, the young Lord would have never resurrected her into a human, thus your entire bloodline would never have been born."

"I don't care!" You said, "It's what I want, and no one can change my mind about it!"

"But why do you want to do this?" Asked Diavolo, "Lucifer and his brothers would-!"

"I want this because of them!" You said, cutting him off, "They don't seem to love me like they used to, so...I want to save the one they care about most of all. So please...let me give Lilith another chance."

The two stayed quiet for a moment, and Diavolo said, "If it's what you really want, shall be done."

"If you'll come with me then." Said Barbatos.

You followed him to his room, and saw the many doors. "Now I may ask you one more time," said Barbatos, "are you absolutely sure about this?"

You nodded. "Yes." You said, "Take me to the day the Celestial war broke out."

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