Unstable Soul (Beel x Female Demon reader)(Part 3)

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[A/n: Finally, part three is ready!]

"Belphie's coming to the human world?!" You asked.

"He's putting himself in danger! My brothers might follow him here!" Said Beel.

You started shivering in fear. "I don't want him to get hurt because of me!" You cried.

"He said not to go anywhere until he gets here, so there's no point in hiding somewhere else." Said Beel.

"I'm really worried now!" You gasped, "Why is he coming here?!"

"He didn't say." Said Beel, "Please calm down!"

You were worried sick about this. Why is Belphie coming to the human world? What risky reason is prompting this? "You should probably get some rest." Said Beel, "You look uneasy."

"Because Belphie is probably putting himself in danger!" You said.

"I'm worried too," said Beel, "but he wouldn't come unless there was a majorly important reason."

You were still quivering. Beel put out the fire and took you into the cave. You ran to the very back and curled up in a ball. Beel joined you as well. The inside of the cave was very cool, but you still were a little chilly. Beel laid you on the sandy ground and he cuddled with you. "Just remember," said Beel, "I'm here for you."

"Thank you...Beel." You whispered in his chest, falling asleep.

[In the Devildom]

Lucifer was now very annoyed. "Where has Belphie gone now?" He grunted to himself.

"Lucifer, what's the matter?" Asked Asmo, "From the look on your face, something happened!"

He sighed and said, "I cannot find Belphie anywhere. I haven't seen him since yesterday."

"Belphie's gone missing?!" Exclaimed Asmo.

Lucifer's D.D.D started ringing. He was getting a call from Diavolo. "Yes, what is it my Lord?" Asked Lucifer.

"The blood drive that happened yesterday..." Said Diavolo.

"What about it?"

"The doctors went to check on the samples of you and your brothers, but something happened to the blood!"

"What happened?!"

"All of the samples are rotten!"


"Apparently, someone opened the bags and either stole a sample or drank it. Not much was taken, but the donations are now useless."

"What kind of monster would do such a thing?!"

"Has anything happened lately?"

"Lately...! Belphie has gone missing!"


"Yes. I haven't seen him since yesterday after the blood drive."

"My guess is that he is the one who stole the samples."

"What makes you say that?"

"One of the viles of golden reversal syrup has gone missing."

"What does that mean?"

"The mix of blood from seven demons and golden reversal syrup is said to make an antidote for a human who turned into a demon. And that could lead to a lot of problems."

"So you're thinking Belphie went to find (y/n) to turn her back into a human?"

"I imagine so. Find him, and do not let (y/n) drink that mixture!"

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