Mini Story: Halloween Party (Repost)

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You saw an invite to a Halloween event and you thought it'd be fun to ask the demon bros to come.

Only the little bros (7)

You: Hey guys! Wanna come to a Halloween party with me in the human world?
Mammon: A party, huh?
Asmo: A Halloween party? Sounds fun!
Levi: Count me out. I don't want to be surrounded by normies.
You: Pleeeeeaaaassse?
Levi: Alright, I'll go! But not because I wanna be surrounded by normies!
Beel: Is there gonna be food?
You: Of course!
Satan: This could be interesting.
Belphie: Won't people find out we're demons?
You: Everyone will be in costume, so if you switch to your demon forms, people will think they're costumes! You just can't use magic there.
Satan: Will Lucifer find out?
You: I'll just summon you all here once he's asleep. Just text me when he does.
Mammon: Alright! See ya then!

The party was just a few hours away. Now to get ready.

[Time skip]

Soon, it was almost time for the party. You dressed up as a sheep girl wearing an outfit of pastel purple and pink. You wore a bell necklace and you had clumps of wool on the sides of your head with two yellow horns and a wooly tail. You then got a notification.

Only the little bros (7)

Mammon: He's asleep! Hurry up and summon us!

You summoned them all one by one, and soon, they were all there with you in their demon forms. "Wow (y/n)! You look so adorable in that costume!" Said Asmo.

"I just put the outfit together. That's all." You said.

"Where's this party at?" Asked Mammon.

"Just a few houses down. Now guys, try not to destroy the place. Not only will they get in trouble, but you guys will too." You said.

"Yeah yeah." Said Mammon.

Hopefully this night won't come crashing down.

[Time skip]

Soon, you all had arrived at the party. Everyone inside was wearing a costume, but they all started eying up the bros once you all came in. The bros scattered in different directions and did their own thing. And of course, they were stirring up some attention. Beel was eating most of the food, Asmo was flirting with some girls, Levi hid somewhere to play video games, Belphie went to find a place to sleep, and Mammon went to find something to steal. Satan was criticizing his bro's antics. A girl wearing a playboy bunny costume walked up to you and said, "Who are those boys you brought?"

"They're my friends!" You said.

"Some of them look smoking hot!" She said.

"Cool." You said.

"I couldn't agree more!" You thought.

You looked to see if there were any snacks left, but it looked like Beel devoured almost everything. "So these are human world snacks?" Asked Beel.

"You could have left some for the other guests." You said.

"But everything was so good!" He said.

You picked up a cookie that was left on the table and bit into it. "Yummy..." You thought.

You continued to browse the party. You saw Levi playing a game and you said, "Enjoying the party?"

"There's so many normies here! I can't do this!" He said.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" You said, "As long as they're all not-!"

But then, a guy dressed like a zombie put cans and bottles of beer on the snack table. "Is that beer?" Asked Levi, spotting the cans.

"Oh crap!" You gasped, "They didn't say anything about this!"

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