Chapter 80: The Five Stages Of Grief

Start from the beginning

"Even if you're old and gray?"

"If you've got the heart of a hero, age doesn't matter. Size of bravery doesn't diminish with age, it grows when acted upon it. Facing your deepest fears only make bravery become stronger."

So, as I laid on the cold, stone, floor I decide to act on it.

It grows when acted upon it.

As Nick lays on the ground unconscious, I reach for the gun in his back pocket. I fumble to get it into my hands, knowing that my brother is in the balance between life and death.

I hold it up at Julian, the man responsible for hurting those I loved, and I fired.

He dropped dead in a matter of seconds, where the middle of his chest surged with blood.

Mason, Jace, and all the others fought Crow and Sabertooth. Punches were thrown, and kicks were jabbed. In that moment, I rushed to my brother's aid.

"Nick, Nick. It's going to be okay. I promise." I told him in a soft voice. I wanted to believe that he would make it.

He's the strongest person I know.

"Andrew." His voice coarse, as he struggled with air. "I'm a Superman."

I laughed, tears temporarily blinding my vision.

"You're definitely a Superman. And you know what Superman does? He fights. So, don't give up, Nick. You deserve to live."

I press my hand on his wound, my skin staining dark red from his blood. It was on the left side of his chest, right where his lungs lay. Nick's eyes flutter shut, and I shake him so that he stays awake.

He can't die. He just can't.

I hear three gunshots in the distance, and the sickening sound of bodies falling to the ground. I look back, and see Sabertooth and Crow in a pile, blood spilling onto the concrete floor.

"SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE! HURRY!" I yelled at the group, as many of them reach for their phones.

"You know what? Forget it. I'm going to get him there myself." I picked up my brother in my arms, and carried him to the car. The rest of the group, following behind me, taking those still alive into our custody.


Lia James
A few hours later...

I couldn't remember when I had passed out. All I could recall was hearing a gunshot, and the sound of screams. Soon enough, I saw black.

Waking up in a hospital bed really took me by surprise. I wasn't sure how much time had passed or how Andrew had managed to get me out safely.

The pain in my leg seemed to subside, as I glanced at my broken leg, which was placed into a new boot from the old and dirty one that I had before.

The TV in my room was on playing some soap opera show, and magazines were scattered all over the bed and on the couch beside the bed.

Someone must've been here waiting for me to wake up.

Wait, exactly how long have I been out?

These thoughts popped into my brain just as one of the nurses came into my room. She gave me a half-hearted smile before scribbling some things down on the clipboard.

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