Chapter Ten- 'A best friend is someone who keeps every secret you tell.'

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Storm's POV

I had never been so concerned about my hearing until that moment. Did I hear correctly? Did Josh just say that him and Stella are both in foster care? Then, it all started to come together.


"Why did you move to Minehead?" I question.

"I...uh have relatives here," she stutters.

"Oh, really! Tell me their names. This town is so small, that we basically know everyone," I gabble, intrigued.

"Ask me another question," Stella orders sharply.


The sharp tone she used was only the first sign of her weird behaviour.


"What are your parents' nationalities?" I ask cautiously.

Suddenly, Stella stands up from her seat.

"What's the matter?" I question, confused.

It's as if she doesn't hear me because I'm left in my bedroom, puzzled while the front door slams.


I realise why she didn't answer that question.


I try calling Stella a thousand times; it goes straight to voicemail. I leave millions of voicemails and texts.

"Hi, Stella. Can you phone me back when you get this?"

No call.

Me: Tell me if I did something wrong.

No text back.

"I'm worried, Stella. Call me! Please!"

No call.

Me: Or text me if u feel more comfortable.

No text back.

"I'm sorry..."


Now, I know why Stella never answered my calls or texts!


"So...when am I coming to your house?" I question, trying to make this quick so that I can go back to Emma and Sophie.

Stella's face is now full of confusion.

"You know, that deal we made. When you come to my house for the project, I get to ask you questions about you. When I come to your house for the project, you get to ask me questions about myself," I remind a puzzled Stella.

"Oh. Look, soz but can I still ask you questions about you at your house? My house is usually so hectic because my relatives always come over. We wouldn't get any work done," Stella gabbles anxiously.

"If you're sure..."

"I'm sure."


Our strange conversation at the party now makes sense too.


"Are things still hectic at home?" I question as Stella packs her belongings.

"Huh?" Stella questions.

"At the party, you said that we couldn't do the project at your house because things were hectic. Is it still the same?"

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