Chapter Five- The Empty Seat At The Back Of The Classroom

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I try calling Stella a thousand times; it goes straight to voicemail. I leave millions of voicemails and texts.

"Hi, Stella. Can you phone me back when you get this?"

No call.

Me: Tell me if I did something wrong.

No text back.

"I'm worried, Stella. Call me! Please!"

No call.

Me: Or text me if u feel more comfortable.

No text back.

"I'm sorry..."


I'm playing around with my stuffed crust pepperoni pizza that I've only taken a little nibble from. I have no appetite because Stella still hasn't called or texted me back and I'm worried that she's either in trouble or she's deliberately ignoring me.

"For goodness' sake, Storm! Pepperoni pizza is your favourite yet you've basically eaten none of it," Mum complains, rubbing her forehead, frustrated. It's clear that she's had a tiring and bad day because ever since she returned from work, she's been in a bad mood and moaning at every little thing.

"Maybe she's sick. Do you feel well, Storm?" Dad asks, much more patient.

"She's probably sulking because her weird friend left with no warning," River explains, an amused smirk forming at the corners of her mouth," It's probably for the best! She looked fishy!"

"You're a day early for fish and chips, sis," I joke bitterly.

"Ha, ha! Very funny! You know what I mean. You're covering for her," River sarcastically accuses me," Spill!"

"I thought you're studying to become a doctor, River, not a detective," I reply smugly.

"Wow! Talking about a different subject! Definitely suspicious!"

"Back off!"

"Shush, you two! Do you think a person who has had a tiring day at work today would like to come home to peace and quiet or an argument?" Mum hushes us.

"An argument," River and I answer at the same time.

We share a mischievous smile between each other.

"I give up on yo two! One minute you're at each other's throats, the next you're causing mischief together!" Mum sighs.

"Well, none of us are perfect, Sylvie," Dad defends us.

That's the last that is said as we tuck into our pizzas.


"Wake up!"

River launches a pillow at my head, which is still lying at the head of my bed.

"What time is it?" I groan, rubbing at my sore head and my half-closed eyes sleepily.

"Time for me to drop you off at school. Mum received a call from Mrs Riley, saying that you've had a horrible start to the school year, not mentioning that you were late on the first day and you've had a 30 minute DT already," River explains.

"She's a snitch," I mutter darkly.

"All teachers are. Now, get up before I throw another pillow at you," River threatens, holding another pillow at above her head.

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