Chapter Twenty Four

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Storm's POV

The clock noisily ticks away but why does it feel like time is standing still? My mind is in this lesson but at the same time, why does it feel like it's somewhere faraway? Miss Cooke is stood at the front of the classroom, teaching, but why is there no sound coming out of her mouth? Even though I'm not paying attention to what my classmates are gossiping about, I already know what it is without even having to listen to them.

The incident. At the start of break, I had accompanied Sophie to the canteen, where she had bought herself a bowl of nachos and I had got myself a drink. Because I was really thirsty, I ended up drinking all of it in one go, which then made me feel the urge to use the toilet. I told Sophie I'd be back and she simply nodded and walked over to where Georgia and her friends had found us a spot to hang out.

To be honest, I was glad that I had consumed all of that drink as I did because if I didn't have to use the toilet, I would have to spend those few minutes extra with Georgia and those parrots she calls her friends.

If you find her so annoying, why didn't you defend Stella this morning when she and Georgia were at each other's throats?

Don't make me feel even more guilty than I already am and regret it that I chose to go against Stella. Isn't that part of life? To make the hardest of decisions?

It shouldn't be so hard to choose whether or not to betray your friend! A true friend wouldn't have to think twice!

Maybe because that true friend isn't popular and has to think about her reputation that is at stake.

I thought you had changed, Storm, but you're still the same selfish girl who always puts her needs first before the needs of others!

While having a battle with myself, I open the door of the girls' toilets and find what I wasn't expecting to see. Stella, her eyes red from crying, is punching the wall with what seems like all the strength she has.

Why is she doing that?

The answer is on the wall she's punching at. Someone has written:


Oh no! What do I do?

I run out of the toilets and shout the loudest I've ever shouted," I NEED HELP HERE!"

I don't wait to see if someone has heard me and is coming; I run back into the toilets and try to stop Stella from punching the wall but she's incredibly strong.

"Stella, please, stop! It won't help!" I beg.

"Storm? What's going on?" a voice from outside the girls' toilets' door asks.

I don't hesitate to open the door and discover Miss Cooke standing behind it, concerned. She must have been about to go onto the playground for break duty when she heard me shouting. As if in answer, Stella whimpers but she continues to punch the wall relentlessly. Miss Cooke's eyes rest on the figure, who's still attacking the wall, and jogs towards her. Fortunately, our English teacher is stronger than Stella.

"It's ok, I can manage her!"

With saying that, Miss Cooke leads Stella out of the toilets, followed by me.

"Storm, go back outside! Don't worry, I can handle this!" our English teacher instructs me to do after turning around to find that I'm still here.


"Now, Storm!"

I don't dare try to argue again because Miss Cooke can be intimidating when she wants to be so I scuttle outside. Sophie is still with Georgia in the same place they were before I had gone to toilet; I approach them.

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