Chapter Twenty Six - Valuable lessons

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Stella's POV

During winter, when I would get up for school, it would still be dark outside. Today, I should be returning to school after my suspension. But I'm not going to school. According to Kate and Harry, Frida paid the head teacher a visit and told her that I need some time off as the incident that happened at school has shaken me.

At first, Mrs Barry argued and threatened to fine my foster parents for not sending me to school. Fortunately, my social worker is clever and had already prepared her argument if my head teacher had refused.

"Before I came to see you, Mrs Barry, I checked on the government's website. For our situation, it says that you can't fine anybody if you've given permission in advance," Frida argues.

"Yes and I haven't given my permission," Mrs Barry reminds her.

"Do you give permission for parents to take children on holding during the school term?" Frida asks.

"Sometimes. Depends on the circumstances."

"So you would rather permit a child to go on holiday when they should be at school than allow a girl some time off until she feels safe in your environment?"

In conclusion, Frida won and earned permission from Mrs Barry, who told her that my teachers would send me school work to complete so that I don't miss out.

A knock at my bedroom door almost makes me jump out of my skin.

"Breakfast's ready!" Kate calls out.

I check the time on my phone. Why is she waking me up at the same time I wake up for school when I'm not going today?

"It's too early!" I croak before shutting my eyes. A second later, I hear the door open and I can feel someone's presence.

"We need to drop off Jake, Josh, Evie and Ellie at school," Kate says.

"We?" I question, my eyes still closed.

"Yes, we! In case you've forgotten, Harry needs to go to work today and I don't feel comfortable leaving you on your own."

I groan but I don't move.

"Do you know the first step to starting the day?" Kate asks.

I don't answer, unsure if it's rhetorical or not.

"Getting out of bed in the morning!" she answers her own question.

My duvet that is wrapped round me like a cocoon is ripped off me; the warmth that I had before is gone.

"Now, you have two options: you get out of bed yourself or I'll have to drag you," Kate explains.

Crying should be the third option!

"I'm too heavy! You can't drag me!" I exclaim.

"You're right!" Kate agrees and the sound of her footsteps get further away and my bedroom door shuts.

Is she gone? I open my eyes, which hurt because of the light that she must have switched on when she entered the room. No sign of Kate. I sigh out of relief and shut my eyes, planning to catch some more sleep. Lesson one of the day: not everything we plan for ourselves is what life has planned for us.

The door opens again. Not again! However, this time, there's more than one pair of footsteps. Before I could open my eyes to see what's going on, four small bodies land on top of me. When I try to move, there are a bunch of giggles. I know those giggles!

"Jake, Josh, Evie and Ellie, can you get off me?" I beg.

Jake is on top of my head so that the words that come out of my mouth are muffled while Josh is on my upper body. Evie is pressing down on my stomach while Ellie is doing the same for my legs. I can't move at all!

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