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You live in a small town in a small country, working with a start-up marketing firm. Every day for you is a mundane task. You go to work, come back, sleep and repeat. When you can spare some time you read, write and create your music. You have been passionate about music but never thought of making it a career option.

Your parents are loaded and always on business trips but you cut yourself from them six years ago and came to live in a secluded place like this, where nobody knows about you. You felt good but tired to live your everyday life. Sometimes you wish to go back to your place in Seoul where you didn't have to move a muscle but other days you feel motivated to make your living.

You don't have much to survive so you cut some of your privileges like the internet and TV but you keep yourself occupied with books and you do visit the library when nothing is on your list to check your email once in a while and that is how you try to keep in touch.

You always reminisce about your amazing school life with your best friends but with time everyone gets busy with their lives. You wondered if they ever thought of you as you do. You know you have been writing letters to them seldomly and they have also replied yet the question lingers your mind.

You let out a deep sigh and thought of applying for jobs. You now think it's the right time to get going to the place you once belonged. You miss your place but you will not be going back to your parents. Going back to them means stating them true. You remember the last words your mother told you.

"SoJimi, if you took another step out of this house." She paused to see your reaction but you kept walking. "PARK SO JIMI!" She shouted and you stopped, not turning towards her but every ounce of your body wanted to run away. She was furious. She said in her stern voice " if you moved out, you will never be able to enter this house again and there will be a time when you would want to come back and we won't be ready to take you in."

She was right, you do want to go back but not to them but to the place you lived. You remember your childhood days with your friends. Once you get a reply for the interview, you need to visit them, you will have to use up your savings to travel and you also need to rent a room. You can't do that just by sitting at a distance. You scrolled through the site for available rooms and selected few cheapest-looking places. You like to be prepared beforehand, you also thought of emailing one of your friends but thought against it since you haven't got any job yet maybe you are getting too hopeful.

You went back home from the library and took few books that would keep you company at night. You hoped for a miracle to happen that get you a job that would challenge you.
You smiled to yourself in your sleep and wished for something better to look forward to.

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