Chapter 6- The Pure Cook

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Soviet's POV:

Italian empire. When I first met him, he seemed so sweet and funny. And he's childish. He likes catching butterflies even though they are pretty hard to catch.  He's the Ultimate Cook. I have seen him in cooking competitions and won. I want to know more about him. He seems like a pretty interesting person. Me, Iraq, and Reich go to the kitchen to see Italian empire cooking some food already. Was he there during the power outage? I already saw a bunch of pots and pans on the coils on the stove cooking. It smelled good. He noticed us. 

"Oh, hello! I didn't expect to have some visitors," he said. "Do you want some appetizers?"

"I am a little hungry," I muttered.

"I made some breadsticks," Italian empire said holding a basket of freshly baked breadsticks. "Don't eat too much though, I need to give it to the others."

We each take a breadstick. I take two. The breadsticks taste good. It had a buttery flavor. I heard that Italian empire is good at making breadsticks. I didn't know it would taste this good. I always wanted to eat his food. Now I have the opportunity to try it. I'm surprised that he doesn't have his own restaurant. It would have been very successful. But I guess handling an entire business at such a young age is pretty stressful. I mean, you have a lot of homework from school that you have to do plus owning a restaurant.

"So, do you like it?" he asked.

"This is better than anything I've ever eaten," Iraq commented.

"I know right? I need the recipe," I said.

"Sorry but, e ' una ricetta segreta. Se te lo dicessi, dovrei ucciderti," he said in a low voice. His face looked scary. His eyes looked dead and he had a creepy smile on his face. It scared the crap out of me. Then he started laughing. "I'm kidding! Haha! Did I scare you?" he asked with a cute smile on his face. {It's a secret recipe. If I tell you, I would have to kill you.}

"Uhhh... I...wasn't scared at all... right guys?" Iraq asked.

"Nope! Uh... I don't get scared easily..." Reich commented.

"I-I..." I was too scared to even speak. Fantastic.

Reich's P.O.V:

Soviet gets scared by certain things. Like spiders and ghosts. But he gets scared by scary faces. Especially Italian empires face. It's scary. He finally got the chance to speak. "Uh... y-y-yeah... y-you s-s-sure didn't scare me...hehe..." he stammered.

Yep. He got scared. "Soviet, I'm pretty sure you're scared," I told him.

"N-no I'm not!"


"I'm n-not lying!"

"Soviet I knew you for 8 years," I said. "I know when you get scared."

"I-I..." he sighed. "F-fine. I was a little scared."

"You're being a bit sus right now," Iraq said.

"I'm pretty sure you guys got scared. You should've seen your faces! Reich looked like he saw a ghost. Iraq looked cold. And Soviet became paler than a vampire," Italian empire stated.

"I wasn't scared!" Iraq said.

"You're being pretty sus right now Iraq," Soviet told Iraq.

Third-person POV:

Soviet had a pretty good time hanging out together with the others. He and the others got a cooking lesson. Soviet grew closer with Italian empire. He thought that he was a fun person to hang out with. He was sweet, funny, and pretty smart. And one other thing he learned. He's pure. Soviet made some dirty jokes to make some people laugh. Italian empire didn't get it. At all. He thought he was talking about alfredo sauce. Soviet lied to him and said that he totally meant that. But he didn't mean that.

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