Chapter One

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Timothy's Pov
My head boped a little with the music blasting from my headphones wrapped around my head, keeping my eyes shut I hummed along to the song my braids bobbing a little in place in my head.

This felt entirely like this was the longest ride of the century. But I think I was prepared to be in a house with around like a lot of guys. And one human girl like me. I remember when I was reached out by the Sakamaki father..

I remember bits and pieces of the chat, just something along the lines of Adam and Eve, yet I could still feel his emotions through the phone.

He was amused, proud almost cursed his emotions were all over and strange. But I knew for one thing I was gonna be in a household full of vampires.

Was I at least scared? Not entirely, the worst they could do was like drink all my blood.

"Sir we have arrived." Slowly snapping my eyes up even with the music playing. I flashed the driver a smile climbing across the seat, grabbing my luggage, my Nikes hitting the stone ground. I looked up at the dark and almost grey mansion tilting my head.

I wheeled my luggage behind me the music still going through my ears, I walked up all the way up to the large front door, I could sense around it felt like twenty different emotions, making me shiver a little before I found myself knocking at the large door a couple of times.

I shut my eyes for a moment and opened them when the door slammed open, I snapped my eyes open again staring at this guy who was leaning on the frame looking at me confused. He had like the deepest annoyed expression, I pulled my headphones to rest around to neck.

His hair was almost like an ashy blonde but he was handsome none the less.

"Who the hell are you?" He grumbled in this deep English voice. I opened my mouth to speak but then he was pushed away from the door by another male with glasses who was glaring.

"How many times have I freaking said not to open the door Yuma? Goodness." A low snort left me when the other make rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He grumbled walking away.

"May I help you?" The one in glasses finally spoke directly towards me.

"Yeah, this is the Sakamaki residence correct? Well, it's not just that name, it's Mukami and Tsukinami right?" His eyes grew a little wide but he muttered out.

"Yes but I don't know how you know that." I chuckled quietly and messed with my black nail polish on my hand for a minute feeling his confused emotions.

"Well I'm Timothy, or Tim or whatever you wanna call me, I guess a lot of you don't know but I'm basically your fiance." I used the empathize with my fingers chuckling.

"I know what you guys are." If his eyes could grow any wider they could have.

"Here come inside." He urged me Inside which I dragged my large luggage in, the door shutting behind him.

"You are all confused, I can feel those emotions." I chuckled watching his eyes snap to me.

"I beg your pardon?" He then questioned.

"Confusion, but I sense like a lot of exhaustion, annoyance, someone's pissed off, someone is... Very horny, there's someone crying and is sad wow there's a lot of you aren't there?" I laughed out.

"I... You aren't a normal human are you?" He questioned even more.

"I don't count myself as normal really, what's your name?" I asked once I stopped snapping my head all around. I took his hand which he held out.

"I'm Reiji Sakamaki." I smiled.

"Reiji? That's a nice name, I guess now I can match each name with the rings." I laughed quietly being lead inside the living room area.

I then paused my music leaving my headphones around my neck jiggling my pocket around with all the different colors rings with gems.

"Here stay here while I gather everyone this might take some time since everyone basically hates one another." I gave Reiji a deep nod watching him teleport away.

I sat on the armrest of the couch tracing my nail polish even more I glanced up a little when I heard the loudest crash from upstairs followed by some screams. A very girly one. That had to have been the girl's emotions I was feeling.

"What do you want?"

"Go downstairs right now where are Kanato and Azusa?"

"I think Kanato was trying to cut him with a knife."

I snickered a little there were a lot of loud bangs and yelling but after around twenty minutes there were around twelve people standing around. Some looking annoyed another just confused.

"That took longer than needed, alright Timothy starting down from left, these are the Mukami brothers Yuma, Ruki, Azusa, and Kou, starting from here Laito, Ayato, Shu, Subaru, Kanato, and me we are the Sakamaki brothers than, Shin and Carla Tsukinami brothers. Yui is the only other human she's..." Reiji looked lost for words.

"Little pig passed out like always," Yuma grumbled out. I counted each head at each of them studying their appearance.

"So what the hell is going on?" Ayato demanded loudly, Reiji then pushed his glasses.

"Well, it seems that our father... Has arranged us all to be wedded to this human male." I chuckled a little swaying back and forth.

"So many emotions in one room, but I think you are the one horny." I wagged my finger at one of the green eyes ones with the fedora watching his eyes grow wide in shock looking between everyone.

"I guess I have some explaining to do as well, so I'll start I was reached out by the Sakamaki's father went on this like super big rant and what not. He told me about you guys being vampires and somehow he knew about my own strange abilities, long story short, he told me I would be marrying twelve guys, so."

I chuckled snapping my eyes open a bit. I watched at one them teleported near me grabbing my throat, but I wasn't afraid.

I stated at Shu who was glaring at me.

"And what makes you think we believe you." He spoke out. I stared at him unbothered by his pissed-off emotions.

"What's your favorite color?" I told him. His blue eyes stared at me a little at me in surprise.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess, it's blue like your eyes." I pulled his hand from my throat digging in my pocket before spotting a ring with a blue diamond matching his eyes, with the name Shu engraved in cursive around it, his eyes flicked down to watch me.

I grabbed his hand slipping it on his ring finger watching it glow slightly when it was in place on his pale hand he was still watching so surprised.

"So I was correct." I chuckled. He reached out to touch the ring a little looking lost for words.

"Its... Beautiful." He slowly whispered.

"I may be somewhat lacking in the fear factor, but I know for one thing I'm not a liar or a deceiver but I know I'm not gonna be afraid of you none of you."

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