Chapter 45

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Roxy looks around and sees everyone. "If I knew a lot of people would be here I wouldn't have brought him." I shake my head "No it's fine just no one talk to him unless he talks to you first." I warn everyone and they nod.

That Victoria chic smiles "Hey buddy I'm Victoria but you can call me Tori." Liam hides his face "do you knows Untle T." She nods "yeah I know him probably a lot better than you think." I roll my eyes and hug Liam. "Come on let's go color I got new coloring books. They have dogs and fire trucks in it I'm sure you'll love it."

I start limping into the living room. "Boss is going to punish you when he sees you walking. You're supposed to use you're crutches." Chloe says and I turn looking at her. I smile and wink at her. She rolls her eyes and I walk into the living room.

We sit on the floor and color in the coloring books. I hear that stupid Victoria chic talking about how she's going to get Tristan to notice her. she's really pissing me off and pretty soon I'm going to snap. Tristan walks in and sees us. Liam looks up and sees him "Uncle T." He runs and jumps in his arms hugging him.

"I missed you to buddy. Why don't you go to your mom and them I need to talk to Aunt Bella real quick." "Otay I be backs." He runs into the kitchen.

Tristan sits on the couch basically right behind me. He gently pushes my hair over to my shoulder. "What's wrong Kitten." I look at my lap avoiding the question. "I know something's bothering you can you tell me why."

I sigh "The college chicks especially the one with pink hair. She's so determined to get with you. She's always talking about what she's going to do that'll get you're attention. She even called you T. I'm you're girlfriend and I don't even call you that I only call you that when I'm talking to Liam and I call you Uncle T. But she called you T. And it's pissing me off. Pretty son I'm going to snap and yell at her." I quietly say and he sighs.

He lifts me up and places me on his lap. "Kitten don't worry about them. If she bothers you that bad just tell her that it bothers you and that she needs to stop." He kisses my cheek.

"I could shoot her if that'll make you feel better." I shake my head "No you don't have to kill her." "It was just an option." I smile "yeah well they don't even know about us. I just hope once they do they don't get mad and try and take you from me." He kisses the side of my head.

"Kitten you're mine. You'll always be mine. I'll never replace you no matter how hard someone tries to. You will always be mine." I smile and gently kiss him. "So where's you're crutches." I look at my lap. "They're in the kitchen." He takes a deep breath.

"You better go get them." I jump up and limp into the kitchen. I grab them just as Tristan walks in. He looks at me and I smile a cute smile. "Just use you're crutches until the doctor says you're ok to walk." I nod and crutch into Tristan's room.

I put on leggings and crutch back into the kitchen. Tristan looks at me "I got cold so I covered my legs." He nods and takes a bite of his burger. For a room full of people it is very silent.

After a while Justin talks "So Liam do you know that Aunt Bella's pregnant." Liam looks at me with a huge smile "she haves baby." He says and Justin nods "yeah she's going to have a baby." He jumps down and walks over to me.

He pokes my stomach and I giggle "don't looks like deres a babies in dere." "Oh believe me there is. And if there wasn't before with what Boss man and her did early today she definitely is." Justin says and I choke on my water. "Are you ok?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah I'm fine." He nods and turns his attention back to Liam.

I glance over at Tristan and he has that sexy smirk on his face. Liam pulls on Tristan's sweatshirt I'm wearing. "So when da baby comes." "Not for a while." He looks at me a little confused. "Like Christmas a whiles." I shake my head "even later then that." His eyes get wide "wow dat a long time."

I giggle and nod. He runs over to his mom. "You hears dat mommy Aunt Bewa is havings a baby." She nods "yes buddy I heard I was right here when Justin told us." He nods "I be great cousins." I giggle and put my plate in the sink.

"Well I should probably work on my book some more." Chloe looks at me "What?" She rolls her eyes and points to the chair next to me. I look at her "yeah but my pu...." she cuts me off "NOW." She says in a demanding voice and I sigh. "Wow so bossy." I crutch over to her and sit down. "Are you happy now?" I ask and some nods.

She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. I sigh "you know you have a boyfriend right there you can lay on." She nods "I know." I roll my eyes and Tristan looks at me.

He winks at me. I blush and giggle. Tristan goes in I guess our bedroom and comes back about 30 minutes later. He has sweatpants and a grey t-shirt on. His hair is wet so he must've showered. He walks into the living room and basically everyone follows him.

I crutch behind them since I'm slower then the others. Victoria and the chic with Black hair I think her name is Gabriela or something like that. Anyways they are sitting next to him. I look around and there's no more seats. I pout and Tristan opens his arms.

I smile and crutch over to him. I climb on his lap and rest my head against his chest. I listen to his heartbeat and almost fall asleep. "Can you move I can't see the tv your fat head is in my way." That Victoria chic says "Yeah get off Tristan and go somewhere else." The black haired chic says. Both of them are obviously angry and I'm not sure why.

He tightens his grip around me. "Nope she stays, but you 2 can move if you can't see. And if you hate her so much then go to a hotel. You're living in my house right now. And you're being mean to my Kitten. So either be nice to her or you can leave." He says in a angry voice. I look at him and his eyes are black or basically black. "It's ok baby I'm fine." I whisper and I gently kiss his neck.

"You mean you've had a girlfriend this whole time." That Victoria chic says really mad and he shrugs. "Technically she's my pregnant girlfriend and if you guys were observant you would've known that I'm dating her considering I kissed her. And told her she could have my food which she did. You just needed to stop fangirling over me and you would've known."

I kiss his neck a little before kissing his cheek. "Baby calm down please." He moves and gently rubs my belly. "I'm very calm kitten." He quietly says and kisses my forehead.

"You're not calm. You're jaw is clenched and your eyes are still black." I whisper and he sighs. He closes his eyes "Maybe you should help me release my anger." He says in a deep voice and he smirks that sexy smirk.

"Tristan!" I say shocked. He smiles and nibbles at my earlobe. "Why don't we go our room." I shake my head "I want to watch tv." He roll his eyes "please kitten it'll be fun." I shake my head "we did it earlier I just want to relax." He nods and kisses the side of my head.

He moves a little and wraps his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. Tristan brushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. "Are you tired?" He asks in a cute voice. I nod and move closer to him. I listen to his calming heartbeat and eventually fall asleep.

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