Chapter 65

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Tristan's leaning against the hood of the car and staring at the ground. I slowly walk over to him. "Hey." I quietly say. Tristan looks at me. Tears are streaming down his cheeks.

He whimpers and grabs my waist. He pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. He buries his face in my neck and goes from crying to sobbing and having a full on break down.

I move my hand and start playing with his hair. "It's ok Baby." I quietly say. He shakes his head. "I didn't want to te-tell him about the ba-baby it just came out. And I-I'm so sorry. I didn't think he-he'd say things about you-you." Tristan sobs and I shake my head.

"I don't care that he said thinks about me or that you told him about the baby. What I care about is if you're ok." I quietly say and he nods. "I-I'm fine." "Tristan I know you're not." I look around and sigh.

"How about we get in the car and you can tell me everything ok?" I suggest and he nods. He pulls away and unlocks the door. Tristan sits in the back seat. I sit on his lap and play with his hair.

"Why don't we talk about it?" I suggest and he shakes his head. "Th-There's nothing to talk about. He-He hates you and keep-keeps saying you're not good enough for-for me, but you-you are." Tristan sobs and hides his face.

"It's ok baby. I'm fine. I don't care if he says stuff about me. I know that we love each other and that we're perfect for each other. Your dad just doesn't want you having a girlfriend." I explain and he shrugs.

"He probably thinks you're a little. He always hated the littles I dated." Tristan says and I shrug. "Maybe. I don't know and I don't really care. He shouldn't judge someone he just met." Tristan sighs "yeah well that's my father for you."

We quietly sit there for quite a while.
Tristan calms down and is now laying next to me with his head resting on my lap with his eyes closed. And to ruin the moment I get hit with nausea.

"Tristan." "Hm" he answers and I gulp. "Im going to throw up." I quietly say and he quickly sits up. "Really like right now. Ok let's get you out of the car." He says and quickly climbs out of the car. I open the door next to me and try to climb out. But I end up with my legs hanging out of the car. And me throwing up on the ground luckily between my legs.

Tristan reached my side of the car. "Ohh kitten you get it everywhere." He quietly says. "Sorry." I whisper and he sighs. He extends his hand out towards me. "Come on let's go get you cleaned up." I slowly take his hand and he helps me out of the car making sure to avoid the throw up.

Tristan leads me back inside the club and straight to the bathroom. "Ok stay right there I'm going to call Chloe and see if she can get you something to change into." Tristan says and walks over towards the sinks.

He starts talking on the phone and of course I can't just throw up once no I have to yet again. I practically run to the stalls and kneel on the ground right in front of the toilet.

"Kitten." Tristan says and I hear steps walking towards me. Tristan pulls my hair away from my face. Once I finish I flush the toilet and move leaning against Tristan. "Kitten what made you sick?" He asks and I glare at him.

"You're child." I angrily say and he sighs "well yeah I figured that I meant what made your stomach turn." I shrug "I don't know all I had the whole time we were here was soda."

"Well Chloe said she'll be here soon and she can help you." Tristan says and I nod. He runs his hand through my hair. "My poor sick Kitten." He quietly says. I groan and lean against him. "I'm still mad at you because this is your fault, but I want cuddles right now." Tristan chuckles and nods.

"Well I called Chloe and she's coming soon." Tristan whispers as he runs his fingers through my hair. As if on cue Chloe comes jogging into the bathroom and runs over to us. "Hey sweetie." She says and I groan. She giggles "I know you feel gross. Which is why I called an Uber and they'll be here soon. Tristan's  going to go with."

I nod and snuggle closer to Tristan. He wraps his arm around me and starts rubbing the belly. "You need to stop making mommy throw up she doesn't like it." Tristan quietly says and I smile a small smile.

He's so cute. He's going to be a great dad. "The Ubers here." Chloe says. I groan and tighten my grip around Tristan. He chuckles and slowly lifts me up.

I whimper and wrap my arms around his neck. "It's ok Kitten I got you." Tristan reassures. I rest my head on his shoulder as he walks outside. Chloe points to the Uber driver and Tristan gets in.

He sits me on his lap after I fought with him because I don't want to sit next to him. I want to sit on his lap. I want to cuddle and sleep. I want to be with him.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "It's ok Kitten you can sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." He quietly says. I nod and close my eyes.

I wake up the next morning by myself. I sigh and stand up. I try to put on jeans, but apparently my belly is to big and the jeans won't button. I angrily take them off and put on leggings. I then put on one of Tristan's shirts because all of mine are to small. Thanks to my belly randomly popping.

I walk into the living room and basically everyone is awake. The only ones that aren't here is Tristan, Justin and Taylor's friends. I'm assuming he must be confronting them about the 1.5 million dollars they spent.

"What the hell do you mean you bought a fucking house." I hear Tristan yell. I look at the office door. And then look at everyone else. "Bella I wouldn't go in there." Taylor warns.

"She's right he's really mad and I know you can normally calm him down but right now I would leave him alone." Blane says and I sigh. "But I wanna see him." I quietly say.

Blane shrugs. "I mean if you want to get yelled at them go ahead be my guest. But if I were you I would stay out here." I sigh again and sit next to Rosey.

I notice she's in normal clothes and that she's watching supernatural with everyone else. Does she not feel little right now. Maybe she feels like a big girl because Justin is talking to Taylor's friends and she knows it's something important.

"Hi Rose." I say with a smile. She smiles "hi Bella how did you sleep?" She asks. Yep she definitely isn't little. "I slept pretty good the baby made me a little uncomfortable but it's ok." She nods. "Well I have a gift coming soon that might help you sleep better."

"Really." I say shocked and she nods. "You'll have to wait and see what it is." She says and I smile. Now I can't wait. What is it. Is it like a fancy blanket that supposedly helps you sleep. Ohhh maybe it's one of those fancy maternity pillows.

I watch supernatural for at least an hour. And I'm getting worried. Tristan has been talking to them for the past like 2 hours and every so often he very angrily yells. I wish I could help him but Blane said I should stay out here. So I'm staying out here.

I don't want to piss of Tristan even more or worse get yelled at. So I'll just sit out here and watch supernatural. Until Tristan comes out and then I'll try to calm him down.

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