Chapterr 67

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I was going to tease him about being submissive and begging me to let him cum, but instead of doing that I fall asleep.

I wake up later that day to an empty bed. I climb out of bed. I put on a bra and underwear. I then put on shorts and one of Tristan's shirts. I walk out of the bedroom and into the living room, but no one is there.

I walk around the house looking in every room, but no one's here. I walk into the bedroom and grab my phone. I call Tristan and on the second ring he answers. "Hello." He says.

"Where are you?" I ask "no where important why?" He asks and I frown.
"Because I miss you." I quietly say. He sighs. "Don't worry Kitten we'll be home soon why don't you work on your book while you wait." He suggests and i sigh.

I say ok and end the call. I get out my laptop and start working on my book. After at least 5 hours the door opens. I quickly close my laptop. I hop of the bed and run into the living room. I see Tristan and smile. I run over to him and jump on him wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Baby you're home." I very excitedly say. Tristan chuckles and moves his hands under my butt holding me up. "I missed you so much." Justin smiles."Did you actually miss him or just miss his dick." He says laughing.

I hide my face and flip him off. Tristan sighs and i look at him. He presses his lips against mine.I smile and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He pulls away and sighs. "I love you so much." He mumbles.

"I love you so much more." I whisper and he smiles. I look around. "Hey where's Rosey?" I ask.

As soon as I ask where she is. She come running into the house pulling a guy and a girl inside with her.

The girl has brownish red hair and green brown eyes. She has on a light pink dress and has her hair styled in a high ponytail. The guy has blond hair and brown eyes. He's wearing jeans and a t-shirt and his arms are covered in tattoos.

He scans around the room looking at everyone. I gulp and slowly slide down Tristan. I then move so I'm standing behind him. Tristan reached back and grabs my hand. He gently squeezes it. I guess to let me know I'm ok.

The guy walks over to Tristan. "Tristan it's nice to see you again." He says and Tristan nods. "It's nice to see you too." He says and tightens his grip of my hand.

"Are you sure us being here is ok?" The guy asks and Tristan nods. "Yes it's fine. If Rosey wants to be with her than you guys are welcome here." He says and the guy nods.

The guy sees me and smiles. He squats down infront of Tristan and looks at me. I'm not sure why he squatted down I'm not a kid and I'm tall enough that he doesn't have to.

Anyways he squats down in front of Tristan. "Hey little one. Everyone calls me Miller, but you can call me Cole." He says in a soft voice almost like how you talk to a child.

"What's your name?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Wow someone's grumpy. I think they need to spend some time in the time out corner." He says as he stands up.

"I knew you became soft after your last little left. But damn you don't even punish her for being bad." The guy says and Tristan chuckles. "Oh believe me I do more than punish her." He says and I lightly hit has arm.

"Well how is she?" The guy asks and Tristan looks at him confused. "You're new little how is she? Is she nice? Does she listen to you?" The guy asks. Tristan goes to speak but I cut him off.

I move so I'm standing next to Tristan. "I'm not a little. I'm his girlfriend. And if you ever say I need to go in time out again I will punch you. I'm not a child and don't need to be treated like one." I angrily say.

"Damn she has quite a mouth." The guy says. I roll my eyes and flip him off. Tristan clears his throat and I look at him. He's giving me that dominant look he does when he wants me to stop.

I sigh and hide my face in his side. "Bella, Bella, Bella. Look look look." Rosy says as she runs over to me. "Dis my fwiend Lily she has a teddy like me but hers is a Dino." She says. I smile "that's really cool." She nods and her and the girl run back into I guess Justin's room.

"Come on Kitten we should sit down. Standing for long periods of time isn't good." Tristan says as he leads me towards the couches. "No I'm fine standing I don't need to sit." I say and Tristan glares at me.

"Yeah and you're carrying my child who I don't want getting hurt so sit down." He says. "Oh yeah so you're worried about the baby getting hurt but not me." I mumble as I sit next to him.

Tristan sighs and lifts me up. He places me on his lap. "Kitten you know I care about you a lot. But I also care about the baby. And since it's still developing I'm just being cautious." He explains and I sigh.

"Well I don't know why you're worried now you didn't worry yesterday when you went to hard." I whisper and he sighs.

"Kitten I already apologized for that." He says and I shrug. "Come on you can't be mad. I said sorry and even let you be in charge." He quietly says.

I smile. "Yeah and you were all submissive." I quietly say and he looks at me. "I was not." He says and I nod. "Yes you were." I tease and he rolls his eyes. "No I wasn't." He angrily says.

"Fine I guess you weren't. I just didn't know dominants whine and beg." I say probably to loud because Justin laughs. "Dude you were whining and begging her yesterday." He says and starts laughing even more.

"No I wasn't. She doesn't know what she's talking about. She was probably hearing things. Or her pregnancy brain has her all mixed up." He defends and I gasp.

"Don't blame the baby." I say and put my hands on my belly. "And I do NOT have pregnant brain." I angrily say.

Tristan looks at Justin. "Whatever dude defend yourself all you want. But if Boss lady says you were whining and begging than you were." He says laughing and Chloe sighs.

"Can we please not talking about what boss and my best friend do in their private time." Chloe says and everyone nods. Tristan looks down at me.

"You better be ready for tonight. Because no matter how much you whine and beg. I won't stop until I'm done with you. You're my play thing and I will play with you until I am done. Do you understand?" Tristan whispers and I nod.

Oh boy now I'm in trouble. And the punishment is going to involve something I am not ready for. I really hope it isn't as bad as I think it is.

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