Chapter 39

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I wake up to bright light shining in my eyes. I slowly open my eyes. I look around. I'm in a simple room with blue/grey walls and a tan carpet. There's a window across the room since the bed is in the middle of the room.

There's a few pictures hanging on the wall. Simple pictures. Like flowers and fields and 1 is a painting of a dolphin. I look at the bed. It's a queen sized bed I think. Grey bed sheets and blue blankets.

I look at my self. I'm in a shirt and loose fitting shorts. My thigh is wrapped up in bandages. The cuts on my legs and arms are covered in band aids. 2 needles are in my arms. I look and see what their connected to. 1 of them is pumping water in me and the other is pumping red stuff in me which I'm assuming is blood.

I look over at the side of the room with the window. The couch that sits 3 is pulled in here. Then the love seat that sits 2 is here. 3 leather reclining chairs are in here. Then there's 2 chair from the kitchen. 1 is placed basically right next to the bed.

I look next to the chair and see crutches leaning against the wall. I'm assuming they're for me. Why is their seats for 11 people in here. And why am I here. I look over and see a lamp. I look at the desk the lamp is on and my phone is there. I grab my phone and turn it on.

Woah I have 15 missed calls and 30 texts. What the hell is going on? I fell asleep in the room right next to Tristan and Bree's. And now I'm in a room with a crap load of seats and needles in my arms. I hear voices and tune out the sounds of birds chirping. "Where are you going?" I hear Chloe's voice ask.

"To eat with Kitten." I here Tristan say and Chloe sighs. "Tristan you're with her basically 24/7. The doctor said she won't wake up for at least a month. If she ever does. There's a chance she might not wake up ever."

Tristan sighs "I know I just want her to be awake. I miss her so much. It's been a month and She's...." he stops talking and all I hear is the word my very quietly so I'm assuming he's whispering to her.

Wait a month no I was awake yesterday with Bree and Tristan and them. What the hell are they talking about. I've been awake for the last 2 1/2 months.

Or... I grab my phone and turn it on. October 10th 8:47 AM. It's only been a month. Bree took me on September 7th. There's no way it's been a month cause the guys and them. I'll just ask them later. I hear steps walking towards the door.

Oh my god what do I do. Should I pretend to be asleep. Should I just be awake. Maybe I should pretend to sleep and then wake up after the person's been here for a little.

I sigh and get absorbed in looking around the room. There's a desk and on the desk is a few photos in picture frames. But they're so far away I can't see them. I look at the desk with the lamp and realize a lot of crap is thrown on the desk. Stuffed animals, flowers, cards, balloons are hanging off of them. Why is there so much crap on the desk.

I go to grab one of the cards. But the stupid short tubes pull on the needles and I wince. I look at the couches again. Pillows are on all of the chairs and their are a pile of blankets on the floor basically right below the window.

Did people sleep on the couches and chairs or something. And why is there 11 seats. The only people at the house are Tristan, Blane, Justin, Kyle, Joey, Alice, their 2 daughters and Chloe. Ohhhh and Bree well I mean I'm not sure about Bree.

I mean Tristan did call me Kitten and it has only been a month. Anyways there's either 9 or 10 people here. There's no need to have 11 seats especially since I don't think all of them would just sit here watching me.

Or would they I mean I don't know what I've been doing for the past month. The last thing I remember I passed out at the hide out Bree had me at. Wait does that mean that whole Tristan leaving me and getting with Bree was just a dream. I felt like It was actually happening in real life.

I look at the paintings on the wall. The dolphin one is so beautiful. It's a mommy dolphin and a baby dolphin jumping out of the water at sun set. It's so beautiful.

The door opens. "Hey kitten how are you doing?" Tristan asks and sighs "Why'd I say that it's not like you'll answer me." I look at him confused.

He's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. His hair is all messy. His chin is all stubbly. And with the dark circle under his eyes it looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. And if he did he didn't sleep well. I shrug and go back to looking around the boring room I'm in.

Tristan gasps "holy shit your....I need to.." he runs out of the bedroom. "Guys she's awake. Kittens awake like actually awake and looking around come in quick." He screams in excitement and I frown. So the whole him leaving me and getting with Bree was just a fake world that my mind made up while I was asleep or in a coma whatever the heck it was for a month.

Damn I did not see that coming. I thought I actually lost my baby. I'm so glad I didn't I'm so so glad to still be his. God if only I could move I'd jump out of bed, run over to him and hug him. I'd hug him so tight and never let him go.

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