To: Olober <3

Hey don't worry about me. I have not been kidnapped or anything. I'm hiding some place safe. You just told me that nobody gets away with it. I think I just did. ;) I'll come back in a bit to our van so don't worry.

He immediately answered me back.

From: Olober <3

Oh thank god. I was thinking something like that. One second I saw you and the second later you disappeared. Anyway, don't worry I will get back to my torture as soon you return. Wait where are you? Can't I have at least a clue? Or at least be able to know how you were able to disappear?

To: Olober <3

Awwww <3 You were actually worrying about me? Well, that's nice :) Anyway maybe I clue I will give you but nothing more. I may be hanging out with one of my or your many friends. Now that was my clue, bye bye see you later Oliver :D

"Hey Vic, can you make me something for breakfast? Also if you see Oli coming here tell me so I can hide in your bunk. I told him. He right away smiled.

"Yeah sure. I'm going to make you some pancakes and coffee. Sound cool? Anyway don't worry. I ain't going to make him attack you on my van. You're safe in the castle, princess Nicole. No monsters can arrive on the top tower." I started laughing. Vic was just amazing. I knew it right away we were going to get really close. He left and went to make me breakfast. The van was awfully quiet. Where were all the other guys?

"Hey Vic where the fuck are the other guys?" I asked him. He came back with pancakes in one hand and coffee in the other hand. He put them on the table and then looked at me. His pancakes were looked amazing. I hoped they tasted the same.

"Um, the guys left already. They were going hang out and act like the assholes they usually are." He said. I was eating my pancakes. They were so good. I didn't expect Vic to be a great cook.

"Uh ok. Anyway they are not really assholes. They are pretty amazing to tell you the truth. And you are talking badly about one of my band idols. Also how come you never told me about your cooking talent? These pancakes are just great man." I told him as I got another huge piece of pancake in my mouth. My starving period had finally ended and I started eating like a normal person again.

"Oh sorry I forgot. You are one of my many fans. I like it. I never told you because I was afraid then you would be expecting me to cook for you everyday. The boys did that with me for about a few months. Got really annoying you know." He told me. Then we heard a knock on the door. My eyes widen up. Hiding time. I ran to the bunks being as silently as possible. I got in Vic's bunk, which was the top one in the very back of the van. I heard the door open.

"Hey Oli. What are you doing here?" Vic asked him pretending like I wasn't in his bunk hiding from Oli.

"Um, I was looking for Nicole actually. She called me Oliver all fucking morning. Then I was running after her and she disappeared. She texted me saying he was hiding in a safe place with a friend. So I just thought if she was hiding here. So is she here?" He asked Vic.

"Um, I'm sorry man but I haven't seen her. Maybe she went with the other guys of the band. They left half an hour ago." He told Oli.

"Umm yeah ok. Hey so everything ok for tonight?" Oli asked Vic. For tonight? What was ok for tonight?

"Yeah, of course man. The plan is still on don't worry. Bye bro, see you later." And I heard the door close. I got our of the bunk and walked back to Vic.

"So what is this whole plan about tonight?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. He looked at me strangely.

"So you heard our conversation? Isn't disrespectful to eavesdrop on other peoples' conversations? It's nothing girl. Just forget about it." He told me. I just shrugged and went back to finishing my breakfast. After I finished eating my breakfast it was already 11:40 A.M. Vic came with me to our van. Vic decided to enter first and I followed him. As soon as Oli saw me he jumped up and ran to me.

"YOOUU!!! You hid her! I even came up to you and you said you got no idea where she was! Oh wait I understand now. She convinced you to not tell me anything right." He was looking at me now. I smiled pretending to be innocent. I just simply nodded. Oli came to me and hugged me. I buried my face in his chest.

"Fine I forgive you for calling ME that name. I shouldn't be at all. However I decided I tortured you enough this morning. So you are officially free. You my dear are the first person to get away with this. However the next time you are dead. I warned you. I smiled.

"I told you OLI. I can get away with it. I knew it I was going to win in the end. C'mon let's go have some fun. You have a concert tonight my idol." I told him. A smile appeared on his face when he gave me a light peck on the lips.

** I hope you guys liked the chapter. Did you guys see the new video of All Time Low? It is amazing! I love it so much. All Time Low is coming to Milan, however I live in Rome. My mom hasn't never really liked concerts and hates the idea especially if it far away. So I'm going to try to convince my mom to bring me to their concert! Wish me good luck! Feel free to give me any advice. **

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