Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 30

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I woke up the next morning with wet eyes. I had fallen asleep in my clothes, curled up on my bed, sobbing. Why did life have to suck?

I swung my legs back down onto the floor, wiped my eyes and blew my nose. My phone vibrated with yet another message from Edward, so I turned it off completely.

I walked over and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a wreck. I looked crazy, with my hair all over the place and my eyes puffy and red. I frowned at the mirror and decided to do something about it.

One shower later, I walked out of my room, dressed in a blue shirt, a white top, and and a pair of tight skinny jeans. I had straightened my hair and done my make up to perfection. I looked hot. I walked down the stairs, thinking of places that I could go, and then realized that I was grounded.

My face fell and I slumped down onto the living room couch. My mother walked in, humming along to a song. 

"Bella, what are you doing?" she asked.

"I just…nothing.." I mumbled back. 

"Well, you look nice. You weren’t planning on sneaking out, were you?" she asked.

"No mom, I was not sneaking out" I answered plainly. 

She shrugged and turned back to watering the plants in the room. 

"Where’s dad?" I asked.

"Oh..him. He’s gone to the station"

"He’s been working a lot this week, huh" 

"Yep, he’s definitely been spending a lot of time there" she murmured and went back to what she was doing. 

After a few minutes, she sighed and sat down with me on the couch.

"Look honey, I know you’re upset about being grounded, but I already explained our reasons"

"Yeah mom I—"

"Don’t interrupt please. Now, if you’re embarking on some new romance", I flinched a little as she kept talking, "I just want you to tell me about it"

"Mom I will—"

"I know that you probably want to see Edward as much as you can before school starts and everything, but you need to have some boundaries. I don’t know much about this Cullen boy, all I ask is that I know where you are and who you’re with. I mean, I know Edward is very handsome, anyone can see that, but I don’t know anything about him personally. Maybe if I could get to know him—"

"Mom you don’t need to get to know him" I said, standing up.

"Bella I—" She started, as I headed for the stairs.

"Just drop it. Please" I snapped, storming up the stairs. 


I banged my head off my desk for the fourteenth time. Bella still wasn’t answering any of my calls, and now she had turned her phone off. 

Why was I such an idiot? I didn’t mean to say those things to Lauren, she had gotten inside of my head, and worn me down. But I asked her to meet up with the complete intention of telling her basically to fuck off. 

I suppose that still didn’t excuse the texts I did send. Unbelievable. A relationship messed up because of 3 stupid texts. 

I groaned and banged my head off the desk again. 

"Edward? What the heck are you doing?" Alice asked, walking over to me.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"Come on Edward, I thought we had decided to move on?" she said, sitting down on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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