Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 10

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Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 10

Warning, there is mature adult content in this chapter.


This is weird. I have on idea what’s going on inside my mind. I mean…it’s Bella? But it’s….Bella. How did I not realize before how hot she really is?

For example, yesterday when she played football with us, she was wearing baggy and sporty clothes, but she still looked frickin’ amazing. I found myself searching for opportunities to touch her body.

Get a grip Edward! As if she’d ever go for you. Even though Newton’s a fucking idiot, he was pretty accurate in his accusations.

Although ever since this obsession with Bella started, I hadn’t been with a single girl. I know that’s only about 5 days, but still! I haven’t even talked to Lauren. Or Tanya. Or Jessica. Or Claire, or Siobhan or Orla or Emma or Sandra or Lily or Kate or Maria or —- Holy Crap, I really am a manwhore!

At 6.00 in the evening 

"We should go out to a club!" Alice squealed. Emmett, Bella, Jasper, Rosalie and I all groaned simultaneously. 

"Really Alice? You just got grounded for having a party, and the first thing you want to do when your punishment ends is go out partying?" Bella asked in disbelief. She was so witty, I loved it. 

"Oh come on you guys! I need to celebrate. I am no longer confined to the dull walls of this house anymore. I know a great spot in Downing Street, let’s go out and have a good time!!!" she yelled, jumping up.

"I’m game. I need to go out and blow off some steam" Rosalie smiled at her.

Well that did it. If Rosalie was going, Emmett was going. If Alice was going, Jasper was going. Which only left me and Bella. And Alice would force Bella to go. And if Bella was going, I was going. Uh….I mean, if everyone was going, I was going..

An hour later, once Alice had gotten her way (as always) we were all dressed, looking nice and waiting for the girls to get their asses down the stairs. My God. When they did.

Bella looked bangin’! She was wearing black high waisted shorts, tied in a bow at the front. She was wearing a dark pink lacy boob tube that showed off her stomach and cleavage. She wore black ankle boot wedges which made her legs look longer. Her hair was in messy curls falling down her shoulders and her make up was enchanting. She looked like a ride.

The club was packed. Everyone seemed to be out tonight. We spent a good two hours just dancing, chatting and having a laugh. Rosalie, who was piss drunk, grabbed Emmett’s arm, when we were all sitting down, and dragged him onto the dancefloor in the centre.

"Oooo! That looks fun! Come on Jasper!!" Alice shouted, also completely wasted, and dragged her boyfriend to dance aswell. I stiffened a bit when I realized it was just me and Bella. 

After a few minutes, she leaned over to me. I was surprised when she started talking, as she didn’t seem to be too drunk.

"I thought you’ve been drinking all night?" I asked her.

"Nah, I was pretending to to trick Alice. Ever since the party I’ve decided to go easy on the booze" she smirked. “What about you?" 

"Designated driver" I replied. She nodded her head, understanding.

"So what’s going on?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" I shouted, moving closer so she could hear over the music.

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