Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 1

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As I pulled up outside the Cullen’s house, I had mixed feelings. I loved being here with Alice, we always had such a great time and I couldn’t wait for the next two weeks. But it also meant I had to spent two weeks in the same house as…..him.

“Bella!!” Alice screeched, as she ran out to my car. I laughed at her as she hugged me tightly.

“Alice we saw each other 2 hours ago” I laughed.

“I know, but now you’re finally here! Let our summer begin!” she exclaimed, grabbing my suitcase from the trunk. As soon as she picked it up, she let it drop. It’s understandable, it was nearly the same size as her……(ie. small).

“Jesus Bella, what do you have picked in here?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Just….shoes…like you told me to” I lied.

“God Bless you Bells, you’re listening to me” she smiled and helped me pick up the bag.

We heaved it up to the French doors of their house and walked in.

“Bella’s here everyone!” Alice yelled. I cringed, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I heard what sounded like a bear pounding down the stairs, and I knew it could only be one person.

“Bella” Emmett smiled and picked me up. I laughed at the ease with which he did so, due to his bulging muscles and huge height. 

“Put me down Em” I whined. He did as he was told. At that moment I heard a groan from behind him. I looked around his massive body and saw….. him.

Edward Cullen was staring at me with a disgusted expression. It was no secret that we hated each other. From the minute I moved to Forks, I had just taken an instant dislike to the boy. He was the school’s biggest player and had done just about every girl in the town. I mean, it was understandable. As much as I hated him, I couldn’t deny that he was a beautiful human being. His bronze hair always had that perfect just-out-of-bed look, his green eyes could make you melt and his skin was perfect. But I had never looked at him like that, because all I saw was disgust.

“Nice to see you too, Edward” I muttered, frowning at him. We glared at each other until I felt Alice poke my in the ribs. “Be nice” she whispered quietly. I shook her off and put a smile back on my face.

“Emmett, why don’t you make yourself useful and take my bags upstairs?” I suggested, playfully. Emmett in turn, picked them up without the slightest hesitance. 

“Come on, I’ll show you where to leave them!” Alice squealed, excitedly and ran up the stairs ahead of him. I followed, not even glancing at Edward.

Before I turned the corner, I stood right next to him. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and just disappear” I grinned sarcastically.

He grinned back. “I’m gonna make these next two weeks your own personal hell” he laughed. “Pfft, I’d like to see you try” I whispered, taking in a whiff of his cologne. It actually smelled nice, which kind of put a damper on my “you smell” insults. I turned away and ran up the stairs before he could infuriate me anymore.


Bella Swan was going to be staying my house for the next two weeks. Kill me now. I can’t stand her. Everything she does just gets under my skin. She was the only girl in school that didn’t melt at the sight of me, or my voice. I think that’s what made me dislike her so much. The day she transferred to Forks High School I was so excited. Finally someone new to mess around with. The girls here were getting pretty boring. But she resisted me from the moment I spoke to her. I could get any girl I wanted, except her. That annoyed me, and what used to be lust for her turned to hatred.

She was the only one who would ever call me out on things, and would never let me get away with anything. She just made me so angry. The thought of having to see her everyday for the next two weeks made me want to get sick.

I watched as she followed my siblings upstairs, shooting daggers at her as she went. I sat down on the couch and whipped out my phone. 3 texts from Tanya. Surprise, surprise. She had wanted to be with me ever since I fucked her at Tyler’s house party a few weeks ago. She’d do for a bootycall every now and then, so I texted her back to humor her. Just as I had pressed send, I felt a big thud to the back of my head.

“Oww, what the hell Alice?” I yelled at my sister.

“Can you at least try to be civil with Bella?” she snapped.

“Tell that to her”

“I have, but now I’m telling it to you. I don’t want to spend the next two weeks breaking up fights between the two of ye. Now knock it off. You don’t have to be friends, but you have to at least tolerate each other”

“Fine. I’ll play nice if she does. Where is our ‘house guest’ anyways?” I fake smiled.

Alice rolled her eyes at me. “She’s unpacking. I’m serious Edward. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all” she warned. 

“You know I might just take you up on that” I said and walked out of the living room, towards the stairs.

I passed Bella on the way up, to my dismay. We didn’t even make eye contact, just walked past each other.

“Bitch” I muttered as I walked past her.

“Asshole” she muttered back and walked down to my sister.


Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Fine Line || On Hold ||Where stories live. Discover now